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About vulfy

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  1. vulfy


  2. vulfy

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

  3. So the number on the first page, that denotes "Players" and I'm guessing that means unique accounts made for DayZ, keeps increasing with a very steady pace. Really? I honestly smell some BS. Number is going up steadily, about 10k every few days. Can we get some background on how that number is being calculated? With all the problems DayZ is having at the moment, I'm finding it extremely hard to believe, that the popularity of this mod keeps increasing and drawing in new players, especially at the rate that number seems to suggest.
  4. vulfy

    Epic Hacker is epic.

    Thats not me, just randomly stumbled on YouTube.
  5. vulfy

    Epic Hacker is epic.

    Respect! Watch with sound on.
  6. vulfy

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I'm not trolling, but I always thought "bronies" were guys who were getting their jollies off My Little Pony porn.... Like furries.... I think.... o.0
  7. In regards to moving indoors like a 350lb shut-in. I'm not 350lb, but I played a bit of milsim paintball in my day. When you have a vest, a heavy backpack and a gun in front of you, that is actually pretty much how you move indoors. Doorways are fine when you are in your t-shirt, but become really tight when you have additional equipment on top of you. Backpack tends to catch on corners and walls in tight places. So yeah....
  8. vulfy

    whens the new patch out

    I wouldn't get my hopes up high. If they are implementing new stuff, then at least another week.
  9. vulfy

    Side chat solves banditry

    I miss global chat. Its so lonely right now in the game. I miss "anybody in Cherno?" sooooooo much :( I'm not trolling, I really do miss it.
  10. vulfy

    The R.I.P Thread

    I like this idea. R.I.P. the crawling guy at the NWAF, I was 300 meters away to your right. Dead zombies you left, were your giveaway. R.I.P. three noobs at Mogilevka. You tried to run but couldn't hide.
  11. I usually get ticked pretty easily with "I'm leaving" posts, but all of those are solid reasons. Of course there is always "Its alpha" argument. And about the content, you seem to be the player who likes collecting stuff. Nothing wrong with that, I am a bit of that too. I always like to get the shiny new toy, or the next best gun, most of the time its just grinding, but I find it fun. However with this type of a game, the experience in itself is the end goal of the game. If you have all the latest toys, challenge yourself in another area. Become a medic. Become a hatchet murderer. Scare people. Kill your character, respawn, drop your backpack, run to Cherno, and see how long you can survive naked. Taunt snipers by running up to them with a zombie train. Become the boogey man on Green Mountain. The end game here, is what you make of it. Any game will be finite if you are just collecting loot. However all other gripes are solid and there is not much arguing against them, other than, wait and hope that devs will take care most of them. Cheers and good luck.
  12. vulfy

    Is there a fix for the artifacting yet?

    for me, setting object detail to "low" in graphics settings worked. No visual glitching what so ever, anymore.
  13. vulfy

    M4A1 Holo or AKM?

    I used to love AKM, but after ArmA's patch, the spread was increased, and beyond 500 meters its spray and pray. M4 is a little bit more accurate at longer distance. Scope helps too. Personally I love AKM's sights.
  14. vulfy

    Broken leg at NWAF

    I say, post your position and server on this forum, crawl to the nearest bush, and enjoy the fireworks.
  15. In all zombie movies, its actually all in reverse. You are in trouble when you are indoors, and relatively safe when you are on the open ground. In DayZ, its opposite. You run indoors to evade zombies, while you are more vulnerable in the open. I would love to see a mechanic where you are in danger of getting swarmed and overrun when looting indoors, and being able to escape more easily while outside. I had an encounter in the barracks one time, during the night. I agroed a couple of zombies, and ran into the barracks. It was pitch black, and the only time I saw zombies, was when i fired my shot, from the muzzle flash. Having an almost infinite spawn of zombies coming to you through the door as your ammo gets lower and lower, really got my backside puckered. All I had was Enfield, so ringing the dinner bell with each shot did not help, as well as the long ass reload time. Add the panicked breathing and whimpering from my character, it was one of those rare experience only DayZ can offer. Wish there were more moments like this. That was true horror, a scene from a classic zombie movie. LOVED IT!