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About munchie7777

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. munchie7777

    DO Not Shrink the Slots in Clothes in Update 1.26!!!

    I think that backpacks should be left alone but that clothes inventory should be cut by at least half. I think that the max should be 25 slots for any clothing. Just small enough so no large guns fit in your pants or jacket.
  2. munchie7777

    Tarps (& shelters)

    I sigend in today just suggest making tarps more useful and it seems people have been asking for this for a while. It should be considered one of the most coveted and useful items in the game, but with how it is in game, it pretty much useless. My suggestions: 1. It should just be "a tarp". Not stackable in 4 pieces. That doesn't make any sense. Please make it just one big tarp. 2. There should be a few different kinds of tarps. Canvas (different colors) and plastic (green, black, grey). 3. Turn in into a poncho. Knife + tarp = poncho. (or turn poncho back into a tarp with Leather Repair kit). 4. Turn it into a backpack, like a leather backpack but canvas or plastic. Leather Repair Kit + Tarp = Backpack 5. Turn it into a shelter. 5 long sticks + 1 tarp = Tarp shelter. Once built, you should be able to roll up the tarp shelter and put it in one of the shoulder slots so you can carry around a quick, portable shelter to get out of the elements. 6. Knife + tarp = canvas scraps to make a ghillie. There should also be a blanket added in as well. It should work like a 3 tier system: 1. Leather stuff is top tier. Best durability, water resistance, etc. 2. Canvass/plastic is medium tier. Not a durable. Canvass gets wet easier and plastic come in bright colors. 3. Blankets would be lowest tier. These goods could be made with a sewing kit instead of a leather repair kit. Least durable and get soaked. They also come in crazy varieties, from plain colors to having silly patterns like fire engines, frogs, space men, etc.
  3. munchie7777

    The Zombies and doors

    The zombies are broken right now but I am hopeful they will be changed back to the way they were before the update. But I have a suggestion for after they are fixed. Here it goes: If a zombie spots you, and chases you to a building and you slam the door to keep the zombie out, instead of the zombie running around like a spaz, have the zombie bang on the door. There should b a chance that the door can be forced open by the zombie and it can get inside. Also, the banging on the door should attract other zombies to the area. The lengh of time a zombie beats on the door increases the further you get from the coast. Now, if you have a lockpick, the zombie can't open the door. Here is the fun part. Now that we have the animation for pushing vehiles, use the same animation so that the player can hold the door closed. The player would only be able to hold the door closed for as long as they have stamina. I think the hold the door closed thing could also be used to keep other players out, or hold them in a building, if you wanted to do either. Say if a freshie was trying to get away from someone trying to kill them, they can try and hide in building and hold the door closed .