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About MoOnKat7

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    On the Coast
  1. MoOnKat7

    Out of Memory Error on Startup

    I had a read through your old thread in 2019! It seems to be a common enough problem, others on Steam have the same. Did yours just fix itself eventually after the game was updated/patched? 🤔
  2. MoOnKat7

    Out of Memory Error on Startup

    Oh I hope not, I thought my specs were certainly more then enough. GPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6 - Core Processor CPU: RTX 2070 SUPER RAM: 16GB Ram Maybe it will just fix itself in the next few updates I hope
  3. Hi guys, When I start the game I get a black screen and an error popping up saying "Out of Memory (requested - 1187353 KB) footprint 45588989802 KB) I've tried reinstalling and validating the game files. My specs are above the recommended for the game to run so I don't know what is wrong. I notice on task manager that the performance on my gpu/cpu is very high on my task manager which is strange. Has anyone else had this issue?