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Everything posted by Judley

  1. You imbecile. They are advertising the expansion to thousands of players. Why do you think popular youtube channels get early access to showcase a game before release, and not some random chump with no platform?
  2. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    It must be very simple, in my uneducated opinion. But pc have toggle hud option so i don't see why we cant. Im on xbox so i dont know about this touch pad thing.
  3. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    Hello just checking in on progress for the hud toggle for xbox/console. (Ill help you out: right stick will be perfect) I was surprised to see it wasnt included in the last update to 1.26. But im sure youve got it planned for the next update! Many thanks again for working on it, and making dayz a much more cinematic experience for us console plebs!
  4. Good work devs. Although Marks said you guys were looking at changing item sizes for things like nbc clothing, as with the inventory nerfs it doesnt become realistically feasible to carry a full nbc loadout. I assumed that would be in this update, i hope it doesnt delay the sakhal release. We're all eagerly awaiting a release date.
  5. Judley


    Its not quite the same as PC but you can hold A and move stuff around to different clothing slots. Hold A on whatever item, and whilst holding A, use up or down arrows till you are hovering over preferred clothing slot, e.g - trousers. Then release A and if theres space it should move it into that inventory. Same with things in your hands, hold A, press RB over to your character, scroll down to your backpack, then release A. Best thing to do is keep essential items in your shirt/jacket slot as thats the quickest one to locate. It would be good to have the same features as PC but i dont see how it could work with a controller.
  6. Definitely. The sounds are okay individually but theyre much too constant. The light wind also seems too loud amongst the trees.
  7. I think this should teach you not to jump to conclusions and judge a dlc based on initial short bit of footage. Not all gameplay elements are going to get presented in the first ever bit of gameplay shown to content creators. Best way to increase excitement and engagement with the community for a dlc is periodically tease new elements to the game as it approaches release. I hope youve learned a lesson there.
  8. wait what.. is this true? Where did you get this info? Does this just mean sakhal will get released onto an experimental version first?
  9. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    Hello just checking in to see how the progress is going on our suggestion? I assume it should be nearing completion now? 🙂
  10. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    Bumping this thread. Devs can we please get this for console? The game is a lot more immersive when you can hide the hud when you dont need it, and would help to emphasize the beauty of the landscape in the upcoming dlc. All i ask is that we have the same option as pc players with a simple button toggle to hide and display the HUD. We currently have the ability to disable the hud in settings but there is no toggle for it whilst playing, we have to go into the inventory screen to see player stats and such, which is not practical at all. I propose: pressing in the right analog stick; to hide or show the hud. I think this is the perfect button because the right stick is only used for movement and is not accidentally 'clicked'. Even so, this choice could be activated in settings so that people arent accidentally doing it without choosing the hud toggle option. Thanks
  11. Will there be incentives to travel to some of these small islands? I cant see any points of interest but im sure with the amount of islands there will be plenty to see on the larger ones. Some of these islands will be cool base spots so even a log cabin, or a house or two, will be cool little additions to have.
  12. Looks good. You mention volcanic ash..is there a volcano event or is does it just mean that all snow or water needs filtering as there is an (inactive) volcano on the island?
  13. These are cool little details, the thawing snow especially! Thanks for bringing back the dev blog. So is frostbite now confirmed..? Or is that just for infected models. It looks good. Also one idea: the concept of player footprints remaining for a certain amount of time would be an amazing feature, i dont know if possible with the engine, but itd be great for tracking people if you're close enough.