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About Judley

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Judley

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    Tundra and ak74 is a realistic setup because ak mags and ammo is common. But tundra and m4 is the ideal scenario
  2. Judley

    Roadmap when?

    Never mind. It told us nothing
  3. Judley

    next wipe

    All you do is moan
  4. Judley

    DayZ Forum often down.

    Happens for me too
  5. Judley

    1.27 Experimental Release

    80% disagree. Boats are part of the map and the map, consisting of islands (albeit empty are pointless ones), require a boat to get around. It is part of the experience. If you allow a squad to stash a boat and then dont return to the game for a few days, that is a negative experience for everyone involved. I understand what you say; in reality they would be hoarded. But you need to find a good balance. I think 48 hours is still too long.
  6. Judley

    No plans for mods on console?

    Anything to say devs?
  7. In a recent interview Thales said the hope is for pc and console to have the same experience, Thales was also optimistic that console dayz will eventually get mods in the ''near future'', and that progress is being made in talks with Sony regarding this, as Sony have generally been opposed to modding in the past. Now all this sounds generally positive, does it not? It wasnt wishful thinking like "maybe one day". The statements made clearly showed there is work being done, or an aim to eventually get mods on console Well in the livestream today Marks said theres no plans to have modding on console. So we have Thales saying they're in talks to hopefully get mods on console. Whereas Marks is saying theres no plans. These statements clearly contradict eachother. The interview was in recent weeks, so unless something has changed in that short space of time? Can we get some official clarification from the devs please? I need closure. Thanks
  8. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    Hi devs im surprised to see this didnt appear in the patch notes for 1.27?? Perhaps you ran into technical difficulties, so we should probably be seeing it in the following update? I imagine its all hands on deck in the offices, your brightest and most talented minds working together, night and day, to craft a revolutionary feature of a HUD TOGGLE FOR CONSOLE. As always we await with great anticipation. It must be a monumental undertaking to develop because its been a while since myself and others in this thread have demanded its creation. But i have absolutely no doubt that you are all working hard on it. So for that, i thank you.
  9. Judley


    Smoking can temporarily reduce sway when aiming down sights, and heat buff, and perhaps give you quicker stamina drain, or something. Theres definitely a cool feature that can be done with it
  10. Judley

    Game QOL

    I think they just dont have the manpower to make significant changes. Which is a shame because looking at player count breaking records all the time, dayz needs a little more attention and a few more staff. DayZ 2 wouldnt live up to the hype imo. It wouldnt have the soul that dayz has, and looking at reforger with the goofy character models somehow worse than dayz, we just need an engine upgrade but itll never happen.
  11. Judley

    Game QOL

    Never gonna happen. We'd get dayz before this. Maybe in about 10 years
  12. Judley


    How can you complain about the attention its getting? They've been putting out free updates for over 10 years. Its been quiet lately because theyve been working on sakhal. And how can you complain about the price when youve been playing since near the mod days? How many hours of entertainment have you gotten out of the one off payment for the game? I agree about the recent update though. Taking guns out of maps is utterly ridiculous. They should be adding content not taking away. Theyre cleaely trying to encourage map hopping to get certain guns but whos going to go through that effort? Spawn on chernarus to a random location, find a tundra for example, jump back to livonia to a random location, and get back to your original plans. Inventory nerfs i support but this recent update is ridiculous. Sakhal feels empty too but i hear they are still working on adding things.
  13. Now that the dust has settled. How do you guys feel about Sakhal? Does it offer the quintessential dayz experience for you? Does it have that same magic and charm?
  14. Judley

    Button to toggle HUD for PS4

    Hi devs just checking in to see how progress is coming on implementing this? Must be close to getting finalised? As we've discussed, a simple button to toggle hud on and off, i think even someone from care in the community could manage to do that in an afternoon