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About JerseyD

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  1. Don't worry, 26,99 is not for Sakhal only, they said they going back to the roots and will be reviewing things that were shown before enging swas and bringing them back to like one by one. And if you remembere there were bycicles and cross motorcicles, so I'd say this is very (very) good deal. I'm glad that you guys finally managed to get it together. Good job.
  2. Popa2caps you should consider cheaters as a part of the game. Yes, that is a disease, and is very annoying when there's nothing you can do. And if you dare to go to Feedback tracker and talk about this problem too much they might ban your account (which has happened to me). But luckily, or sadly, dayz is too good. It is soo good that with all it's flaws it still would end up having more good points than bad points, it forgives cheaters, devs misstakes/misleadings for which any other company would suffer serious consequences, it forgives a lot. And lately devs been using that ability, but they also moving in the right way right now. Report button with limited amount of options per week would be nice ofc, but even now you can learn some tricks to avoid cheaters. For example right after 1.26 experimental all of them were sitting on exp servers, so it was safer to play stable official. Cheaters are mostly dumb, so they will bite you with shots like there's vietnamo over there but if you decide to go and investigate you're a goner (as they already see you). Best way to catch a cheater is to sit in ambush and have a record on, when you don't move chances to be spotted are minimal, especially when you're in bushes with proper camo. So if you were magically countersniped out of nowhere, or easily spotted that raises a lot of questions. Anyway, you have to go through all stages with cheaters in dayz, and in the end you won't take them seriously. 'Cause who we are to judge them, if I had miro nano pipi I would probably cheat too, so... 😉
  3. Boats is a great idea. I had very small hopes for a cropduster (imaging game had the mechanic when you could fly in that yellow bee through the blizzard, and chances that engine would fail in such harsh conditions would be high, plus zero visibility - man, that sounds like the beginning of long dark), but that is just my dreams. Amazing work guys. Maybe in 2025 think about little bird or at least of some type of air transport. If imply proper limitations (like max speed, or large fuel consumprtion that limits total air time) - think that will be great addition to Dayz ecosystem and won't ruin it in the same time. Heard about bunker idea (generator overload in you swithch both, so you have to choose between light or filtering the gas away) - man that is brilliant. It will be harder than Dambog because of gas, but in the same time it's very cool. Going there with without light, using NVG and ChemSuit - man I already can imagine that atmosphere. So yea, thank you for what you're doing. Whishlisted Dayz for myself, my dog and cat.
  4. I don't know what you did, but experimental gunter drives much much better now somehow
  5. Scientific case and keys yep, indeed interesting.
  6. There won't be next devblog or you just forgot to mention its theme? Also, you said it yourself that you've learned from Livonia mistakes, so, hopefully, "below zero" locations will be right from the start (below zero altitude, not temperature).
  7. Emkavec flask looks amazing. The EDTA on the other hand is a bit "squary", enges can be seen. This is not so important, but maybe 40-60 extra polygons will do the trick
  8. Only one question: will fox hunt for hens???
  9. "always looking for that perfect shot" - hope not onfly for f12, but for the long range aswell "The potential for compositions is limitless" - hope you'll add at least one underground mine, Sakhalin is a miners island after all. With it's presense.... I thinks it even could beat Livonias Dumbog in terms of atmosphere. Also you said eralier that the map is small, so you have more time for detalisation - hope new factory buildings will be enterable (like yellow geothermal building). Otherwise it's just big painted box. There are such "boxes" on Chernarus and Livonia (and yes, they look great outside), but making those enterable is way more better (even partly enterable). But if you say you got some buildings from reforger we can be calm, reforger buildings are amazing, especially industrial. Houses with shifted furniture does look good (especially 1 floor green house with the carpet on the wall - you've done good research on that). Also new platecarrier color, blue gloves, white hat - very good. underground mine must have guys, must have. And higher caliber for long range sniping, don't forget about that. Good job, and image with new powerlines - I think best screenshot from Sakhal so far, would be nice to have higher resolution.
  10. Mopl there surely will be northern lights (or wobo will have to delete his channel for 10th time)
  11. Best changes will be when sniping won't be limited with 220m when target has plate carrier on. But yea, the direction where the game goes now is really exiting. And devblogs kinda bring back the vibe of 2014 when it was active too
  12. Don't have problems with FPS. What I can say on max settings in 1440p it heats up 3080 like hell, but it looks amazing. Even on low settings views of the sky/forest/sunsets in Dayz are weirdly incredible, so in some way players who always play on low have benefits of high end graphic cards. Please, don't forget about undergrounds and Dayz is struggling from not having at least one long range high caliber sniper rifle.Once you have PlateCarrier on snipers are nothing for you, drop to uncon distance drops from 700m (no armor) to 220m (!!!!!). This is insane and doesn't have to be like that, in one moment long range sniping turns to CQB sniping. Please, add higher caliber capable to do significant damage not only within 220m. 220m is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY low.
  13. "For PC we are increasing view distance" I really hope this is for a reason, for some higher caliber reason, if you know what I mean hint, hint
  14. If the frostbite pic means it is not only visual for infected, but also visual and illness for players that is very nice, having permanent frostbite like on Namalsk with max health reduction is great idea. Maybe also slight speed of movement reduction if it's legs frostbite, plus some reduction if it's fingers (like slower weapon draw out or something similar)
  15. There are mines on Sakhalin. One is called "Eastern Pearl", the other one "Dolinskaya". Hope you will add those on the map, and not just like above ground office/industrial buildings, but also underground part. Mine entrances on Livonia and Chernarus are very nice assets (closed ones). It's a shame you never opened them. The mine in Solnechniy would be priceless. Same as underground tunnels under NWAF. When you were releasing NWAF rework update last year you mentioned "underground god/demon", so I thought you do going to open them, but as always - don't trust dayz devs hints as they are not what you may think. Especially with "exotic". To dayz devs "exotic" = "standard". You should have picked words more carefull, as you gave false hope that you gonna add heavy long range sniper rifle, but instead added another sniper on x54 caliber... At least don't give false hopes with Sakhal.