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About (gp)echo

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I've noticed the same issue since upgrading both Day Z and OA to the latest versions. I'm using the latest drivers available for my GPUs (2x GTX 590s), so I doubt a driver swap would do anything.
  2. (gp)echo

    My M107 for your AS50?

    Simply decouple your zoom and breath actions so that you only use RMB to enter/exit the scope. More specifically, I'm recommending you bind discrete keys dedicated to the task of (1) zooming the rifle and (2) holding your breath. Having both bound to the RMB is a disadvantage. Also, the zoom advantage of the M107 is not in the buttons, but rather in the magnification. The M107 has a 14x scope; the AS50 is 12x. Your desire to have a loud sniper rifle only means you have a higher probability of being discovered or counter-sniped. Sounds like style over substance to me. <_<
  3. (gp)echo

    My M107 for your AS50?

    The DMR is the only sniper rifle compatible with NVGs in Day Z.
  4. (gp)echo

    My M107 for your AS50?

    This is a valid question, and so we shall dive into the details: - First, the damage increase the AS50 Mag provides over the M107 Mag is non-trivial. Sure, the extra damage is overkill for a player, but it makes a big difference when targeting vehicles. - Next, the accuracy, or ballistic precision, of the AS50 is better than the M107 (1.5 MOA vs. 3.0 MOA). Practically, this is realized in Day Z/ArmA 2 through the dispersion of the rifle. In simple terms, the AS50 will shoot a tighter group at range when compared with the M107. - The AS50 ammunition exhibits higher performance than the M107 ammunition; that is, it produces a higher muzzle velocity, displays less bullet drop, and reaches a desired range faster (i.e. reduced flight time) than its M107 counterpart. - The AS50 is notably quieter than the M107. This has significant tactical implications for how long the operator can remain in their spot after firing before relocating to avoid detection. There are only two tangible advantages for the the M107: (1) the magnification of its scope (14x vs. 12x), and (2) weapon zeroing at 900m and 1100m (where the AS50 increments zero ranges in intervals of 200m starting at 800m). The latter is mitigated by the increased ranges available to the AS50 (1400 and 1600). As with many things, it is ultimately a matter of personal preference. However, I would argue that the AS50 is the superior sniper rifle for the vast majority of applications in Day Z.
  5. It worked like a charm. Much faster than the batch file method, and I can load the files without any troubles from ArmA 2 Launcher. A big thanks to okarr and DocTully for posting such a thoroughly useful guide! :)
  6. This was exceptionally helpful! One question, however. After running the batch file I created, and specifically after the batch file runs the datacachepreprocessor.exe executable, the game loads. Since I launch Day Z, BAF, PMC, and the beta via ArmA 2 Launcher, I would prefer the datacachepreprocessor.exe installation not load the game automatically. Is there any way for this executable to simply update the required files without launching the game afterwards? Again, thanks for your help. I can finally run BAF/PMC with both accounts now. :)
  7. (gp)echo

    AS50 Zoom Question

    Plus and minus on the numpad will adjust between the two zoom levels (3x and 12x). Enjoy!
  8. I had the same problem. Rolling back to the previous beta fixed everything.
  9. (gp)echo


    The Joker: "Wanna know how I got these scars?" ;)
  10. (gp)echo


    That video is fairly disappointing. Playing on a server with tags is silly enough, but using the rangefinder is ridiculous when the tags provide effortless (and lame) range to target for free. While I have no problem with the OP's actions or methods, I find his contempt for the snipers rather hypocritical. This is the hostile and brutal world of Day Z. Fighting a crusade against them, where no valid end state exists, seems a supercilious exercise in righteous arrogance. It's not like the dynamic can be meaningfully affected without official changes. This thread, while interesting, is little more than an anti-bandit tirade. I will concede that the hunting of new players on the coast is rather cruel, however.
  11. (gp)echo

    880m M107 kill

    Very nice!