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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. execpro22

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    I disagree, it was a major one of "those types" that got us into the Iraq war....
  2. execpro22

    Why Dayz is the most tense game there is

    If you can call your existence "living" that is.....
  3. Your a threat... He just eliminated the threat.. Very simple really
  4. execpro22

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    Why would we hate you for not liking a arbitrary item of clothing? Oh wait....you must be under some crazy impression that we are all cowboys from texas and carry guns in our holster..... I think youve seen too many clint eastwood movies Boy those american stereotypes are a blast ay....
  5. I feel the same way, but has there ever been a NPC in any game that youve played that was more interesting or unpredicatable than a human opponent? Nope. Humans will always be the most interesting part of the game even if they arent neccessarily the main focus...Hopefully the environmental fatcors will even things out a little...
  6. Kinda arguing semantics arent we? The biiggest threat will usually be the main one in most peoples eyes....
  7. execpro22

    Well, that was annoying and stupid...

    So your saying being a doctor is like some kind a noble character trait? I dont have the PATIENCE to go to medical school for 10 years....
  8. I completely agree with you and would love to have some hoards of zombies in the game, but just to be clear zombies will never be the main threat in the game no matter how many they put in and how hard they make them. Human nature will always trump game mechanics so people will always be the main threat in the game...
  9. Again I'm a little confused.. Doesn't everyone who buys the alpha already have access to the full game when it releases. Why would they have to purchase it twice? All I understand is that becuase you got killed all the time (probably due to lack of awareness and staying out of sight) and have just given up you expect everyone else to follow suit.... News Flash for ya....Not everyone is going to give up at the first sign of trouble.... I'm sure you can understand that much.
  10. If they didnt care we wouldnt have them posting on this forum and giving game updates.... I'm sorry, but the fact that you feel the need to even post your grievances in this forum is a testament to how much influence this forum has considering you dont think this forum is important... But you were saying that KOS was the only playstyle in the game. Now you admit there are others.... Take a look at the KOS thread. 800 people compliaining about KOS...You think maybe some of these people might bump into each other once in awhile? Nope. Not the same things at all. Again its just you trying to shape what YOU want the game to be in your head... Just be because you think everyone should play "realistically" doesnt mean thats how its supposed to be.... You have this idea in your head that theres only one way to play... But sadly I can see you will NEVER realize that that is not true..... Didnt I just blow that silly argument out of the water. Lets go through it again. YOU CAN NOT COMPARE THIS GAME TO REAL LIFE! Get this through your head! This is a fictional game set in a fictional land under fictional circumstances..... How in the hell can you expect people to act like they would in real life under those conditions? Oh the only difference is all the core aspects of GTA that make that game GTA... oh Ok Do you read your response before you type them. Might wanna try this in the future... The story is fantastic to them...I'm sorry are they supposed to cater to your playstyle just so YOUR story can be a happy one? Nope. Sandbox is an all ecompassing word that includes things like "free roam" :no objectives" and "no rules" to follow. So my point which seems to soar into orbit over your head everytime I type it is that there is NO certain way that DAYZ is supposed to be played! What is there to explain? You kill the other guy. He dead. You alive. Do you need me to draw you a picture or something? Wait first you say a kos playstyle makes you an asshole. Now your comparing us to rapists? Youve got to be kidding me.... Youy really need to take this game a little less seriously dude... Denying it becuase its a legitimate playstyle whether you want to admit it or not. What you fail to realize is how boring this game would be without KOS. I'm confused Umm if they are playing the game already havent they purchased it already? Are you saying theres somekind of refund system I dont know about? Probably not. Your very close minded and still havent grasped the concept of sandbox completely yet. lets hope one day you will become more tolerant of other playstyles besides your own....
  11. execpro22

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    Look behind you....
  12. A forum where players come to learn information about the game and hear what the developers are saying and also get dev notes has no influence on the player base huh? Sorry, but that doesnt make any sense and just stating it as a fact over and over again doesnt magically make it so.... I'm sorry but there is more than one playstyle no matter how much you feel the need to exaggerate the situation...You can put your fingers in your ears and ignore the fact that there are friendly players as well but again that doesnt magically make it so... 1. Rocket has stated many times that the goal of development is on AUTHENTICITY not Realism. You seem to be confused about this games intentions... 2. Dont know what your hang up is with GTA, but this game has NOTHING to do with GTA or ARMA.... 3. Its NOT meant to be played "your" way... Maybe you remember the tag line for this game which was DAYZ...create your OWN story Once you realize that this game has no rules or certain way it must be played you will enjoy yourself alot more... Nope. As stated by Rocket on several occassions they are going for authenticity NOT realism... This Realism trip is something you spun up in your head.... Does that not make sense? Ok so basically anyone who has a different playstyle than you is bad and an asshole... You do know what a sandbox is right? People playing legit? You seem to think theres some sort of set of rules or a "right" way to play. Unfortunately you are severely mistaken. This is DAYZ. There are NO rules....welcome to the experiment.....
  13. execpro22

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    My biggest shame..... I missed some of you friendlies that I was firing at .... Really wish I could have killed you all....
  14. Ok so let me get this straight. Pbecause there are less people in the forums then in the game that makes the forum not relevant somehow? That also seems to mean they arent part of the gaming community becuase of there numbers? How does that work? Does this make sense to anyone? Who decides at what number a forum becomes relevant? you? I'm sorry could you repeat that again this time in english.... The game is a sandbox game... meaning its not supposed to be played a certain way like you seem to think. Oh boy...Trying to use that tired old argument ay? Lets just knock that down right now.... We are playing a FICTIONAL GAME under FICTIONAL circumstances in a FICTIONAL land. You cant logically compare this game to what would happen in real life..... Oh so now the dayz gamer isnt even a gamer and somehow "pollutes" the community? what makes a gamer genuine exactly? and how does dayz make a gamer not genuine? I cant wait to hear this....
  15. execpro22

    Beautiful story

    Great story....Please pass it on to all your friendly brothers and sisters so they can stop bitching about how everyone KOS and noone helps anyone anymore... See this is what I like. People with different playstyles. if it was me you would have been dead, but htese guys were awesome. its people like them and players like me that make this game interesting....
  16. I'm sure there are alot of posters on this forum that would disagree with that.... Oh so in your world the KOS playstyle doesnt exist huh? I'm sorry, but just because you dont like a certain playstyle doesnt make it not a part of what the game is about. Please explain to me in your infinite wisdom as you seem to be speaking for the developers or else how could you declare what is and isnt part of what the game is about.. what is the game about and how does that mean we have to exclude certain playstyles? I'm telling you the game is better becuase we have the CHOICE to kill everyone....
  17. execpro22

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    So it isnt a punsihment to force a player to have to arbitrarily identify himself and force himself to align with a group the game deems is bad? What is this nazi germany now? Do I need to wear a star of david everytime i walk into cherno?
  18. execpro22

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I'm sorry, but how is this a good thing? So the game tells you who is bad and who is good and does your thinking for you? That would actually decrease the tension. Why would anyone ever want the game to think for them?
  19. The only thing making the the game community look like dicks is ignorant posters who are intolerant of other playstyles and whine about it on the forums day and night.... Case in point...you
  20. Not to turn this into a philisophical debate, but I truly think there is more to this life than just making babies....If thats all this life is about is carrying on your seed than whats the point? Were all just baby making machines ? Being a christian, I believe we were all meant for great things , not just making babies...I think we get one chance in this world to try to change it and make it a better place when we leave it...
  21. I can give you some tips if you want..... The first is dont take shit from anyone.... The second is always look tough on an internet message board even if you are in real life a whiny pasty little fifteen year old... The third is.....well I'm still working on number
  22. Oh come on guy... You cant state what the best thing in life is for everyone else.... So I guess the people who never had a chance to have kids or couldn't for some reason just have a terrible life then huh?