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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. Check the previous page... I actually quoted you and responded to what you had said about KOS which YOU brought up first.... Never insulted you even though my viewpoint seems to some how be insulting to you... You made some pretty ignorant posts about KOS and I corrected you. Instead of answering to these criticisms of your views you basically said well "i give up" and put your fingers in your ears so you wouldnt hear anything I had said... And yes I did read your OP where you state you are ok with KOS.... does that mean I'm not allowed to criticise your views or something?
  2. I'm not suprised.... Wait what? You argued about some points I made regarding KOS. I made a counter argument based soley on your argument.... So, only you can talk about KOS in this thread, but if anyone else does it is "nonsense" ? We get it, you only want to listen arguments made by people with the same view as you.. Nobody is stopping you.
  3. execpro22

    Free Pristine Acog - Feel bad just tossing it.

    wow you really couldnt have picked a safer spot to drop it? Myabe next time place it right in the middle of the run way so it will be easrier to get shot try to retrieve it...
  4. Why in your little world does everyone who chooses a certain playstyle have to do it for the same reasons? One guys does it for the thrill, another does it for survival.. How is this so hard for you to comprehend? What experience is that? You have KOS alot before? What exactly is considered "legit" gunfight to you? Do we have to call out our position before we start firing or something? What rules do we have to abide by in your world to be "legit"? Oh ok so you get to decide what is PVP or not huh? I'm sorry, but you KOS whiners have been using that same sad argument forever and its still not anymore true today then it was when the mod first came out... Why exactly would anyone have to justify any playstyle they choose in the game? Thats what you people dont get... There is no distinction between bandit or KOS and there is NO reason to have to justify a playstyle in this game. Oh ok so its not right to advocate a kos playstyle, but a freindly one is fine ? Yup, anyone who plays this game with that playstyle is obviously doing it "wrong" and should go play a different game right? There are also better PVE games yet we never see you telling any of KOS whiners to go play them..... Posts merged.
  5. execpro22

    Death squads

  6. execpro22

    How do you get different titles?

    post count
  7. execpro22

    It's not about how you die...

    I have to disagree... Some of the most fun and intense experiences I have had in game have been while I was completely kitted up facing off against another guy who was also completely kitted...
  8. execpro22

    When you die... do you - ?

    I cry a little bit to myself, then I immediately go to the forums and make a thread complaining about KOS and how it is "easy mode" and how much KOS'ers dont play "right" Oh wait, I'm the guy who shot that guy... My mistake... I guess I just read these posts and laugh about em...
  9. execpro22

    ahh combat loggers

    this is just further proof that they need to increase the log out timer to at least 60 seconds...
  10. I am little confused here. Why should KOS dissappear at all? It is a legitimate playstyle right? I'm also confused as to how you can even put a playstyle in the same boat as exploiting a game mechanic such as combat logging? Rocket did create a log timer to combat combat logging right? Did rocket create anything to restrict or make a certain playstyle "dissappear'?
  11. Complete myth... Shoot on sight playstyle is actually more challenging. You get into ALOT more firefights. Your life expectancy is actually lower than a friendlies. Trust me, having the "KOS" playstyle is WAY more challenging then some of you like to characterize it...
  12. My favorite part of this story is the fact that the OP thought it was smart to get a players attention by shooting a firearm.... Next time aim for the head... makes "getting thier attention" easier....
  13. execpro22

    Here's The Deal...

    Plz tell me you dont really mean that! So basically you want ot be immortal and never have to worry about anything? What if A zombie kills you without trying to interact with you? Do you get to respawn with all your gear too?
  14. Why do you think they decided to be heros....
  15. Why do you think they decided to be heros....
  16. Another fun filled tense interaction brought to you by KOS.....
  17. Nope. Never been a follower. Ive always been more of a leader than a follower... Just from looking at the sheer amount of KOS whine threads we see everyday in the forums you would think there must be a crap ton of people that play friendly just by going by the thread count. You would think some of these people might bump into each other once in awhile on the servers, but apparently they dont... or Maybe they only report when something bad happens to them and down play how many times they didnt get KOS'ed. One thing that really confuses me is why with what little content there is in the Alpha right now you would be surpised that all people really do at this point is KOS.... hmm
  18. Wow I really must of touched a nerve to get you so worked up like this. Sorry my viewpoint angers you so much that you have to resort to name calling to get your point accross. For being a so called "humanitarian" in game you sure dont act like one on the forums... My point was that you are first calling the game flawed due to many people choosing a certain playstyle over another.. Now stay with me here, if you beleive the flaw in the game is KOS than you obviously either dont agree with the playstyle or want to restrict or minimize it some way to reduce the "flaw" as you call it. You are also projecting these views onto what rocket was saying in a interview with ZERO basis to back it up other your gut feeling. Please dont resort to name calling you humanitarian you....
  19. execpro22

    Being killed,with no explanation ?

    Ahh so your true agenda comes out.... Great another KOS thread!
  20. execpro22

    Fully Geared Up

    Maybe they got stuck during a server reset?
  21. Read you post. You first say how you dont want to get rid of KOS and then in the next sentence say how KOS is the flawed concept in the game.... Did you read your own post lol? I think you are projecting your own feelings onto this topic with zero evidence to back up your claims. I get that you dont agree with KOS obviously, but how can you say that rocket feels it is flawed due to that with zero evdience except the fact that you dont like it... Read it. All I see is a thinly veiled attempt at KOS thread....
  22. Great another KOS thread disguised as a social commentary on the player base...
  23. Yeah I'm sure a Bandit really gave you the chance to ask him that stupid question before he ended your play session... I love how in your fantasy all these bandits start realizing that there playstyles is pointless just because you asked them a question. Why would someone need to make an argument for a playstyle they use? Are you saying that bandits need to justify themselves to you before they kill you? How exactly does shooting on sight make you "bad" at the game? 1. Its a playstyle that I enjoy and is very entertaining and immersive to me. 2. Can you explain to me why someone would be "bad" at the game becuase they KOS? Also what constitutes being "bad"? 3. The same as my opinion of people who dont. They are choosing there own playstyles... 4. no 5. Seriously?
  24. execpro22

    What to do now?

    From the location you are sitting at sounds like your ready to start hunting.... Have fun!
  25. execpro22

    People who KoS on strict PvE-No KoS Servers.

    I'm sorry, but if your going to PVE servers just to avoid getting killed your not gonna learn anything.....