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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. execpro22

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    So your distinction in your head is that if a person lets you know hes there BEFORE he kills you then hes a bandit? Kinda of a silly idea if you ask me....
  2. No you misunderstand me... I was agreeing. I think it's great when a little 16 year old gets to kick people off his server and cause them to wait longer to play the game cuz now they have a log timer to deal with. Its awesome that they have the balls to kick everyone out except thier friends so they can loot and not get shot... Its way too scary to have people that will actually shoot at you in the game anyways.... I salute all server owners who ru thier server like its a piggy bank....
  3. execpro22

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    Nope. Murderer/Bandit Those are just made up concepts in your head to justify killing players cuz you dont like thier playstyle...
  4. execpro22

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Yup you totally got us... We are all so scared to play this game your "right" way.... Thats why we are constantly in more gun fights than you becuase we are so scared of constantly being in gunfights... Man I wish werent so scared all the time...
  5. execpro22

    How do you deal with zombies?

    Axe them if I am at a dangerous spot like an airstrip or mil base, but I shoot them down mostly as I have a super abundance of ammo and they are good target practice...
  6. execpro22

    Voice Chat. Which? Why?

    Ive used TS3, steamchat and Skype. I can say I like Skype by far the best as it is easy to use, user friendly and as someone else pointed out I always have it on....
  7. I'm not gonna say anything about your playstyle as I beleive everyone has the right to play how they want, but for the love of all that is holy please learn how to aim! If this story is even half as true as you say it is then you really need to do some fire practice on some zombies or something....
  8. Yeah people! stop bitching just cuz some 16 year old with too much disposbale income and no sense keeps running his server like his own private loot farm. Jeez you people are so unreasonable.. so what if he wastes your time by kicking you off his server causing you to get a logging timer..So what if he basically can gear up with out the threat of death making the game pointless... You people really need to lighten up and let these people destroy the integrity of the game....
  9. execpro22

    Someone is very happy right now

    He did with his Mosin...
  10. execpro22

    anti-hopping or why it's useless for the moment.

    Your OP proves that it must be working at least a little bit....
  11. No such thing as "dont pose a threat" You know as well as I do that a bambi can knock out a fully geared player just as easily as he can be taken down. Every player is a threat whether you want to beleive it or not...
  12. execpro22

    Is there really any point to...

    I feel the exact same way... Once you get a 60 round clip and and a acog theres really no point in carrying both...
  13. execpro22

    Funny Story... Good ole DayZ

    Kinda anti-climatic.. Was totally expecting him to betray you or something...
  14. Exactly! What other game can bring up so many emotions just from a simple punch? Dayz's brutality is why it is so popular....
  15. execpro22

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    NOTHING is stopping anyone from playing how they want to play.... You can play a PVE playstyle ALL you want. Just don't get mad when someone else has a different playstyle then your own which gets you killed because you havent figured out how to hide better....
  16. execpro22

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    I actually had a russian in my group.... He was actaully quite funny and made the group laugh alot...
  17. Not by itself it doesn't, but when combined with your interactions of always either being in firefights or getting shot whether you are the initiator or not I would say increases difficulty. Everyday I play I'm facing the barrel of someones loaded gun... and I love it! It's him or me. That same difficulty of always being shot by bandits that people always complain about is on constantly because I initiate those contacts in the first place..... Basically I am always at war with other players. Now I'm not denying theres a challenge in being friendly, i'm just saying that bandits put themselves in dangerous sitautions with more frequency which is the challenge itself. I can't speak for every bandit out there, but In my case I KNOW without a doubt it doesnt rob me of any fun as I have played the other side and have definately had more fun being a bandit than I ever did being a hero.....
  18. Whats not sound about it? If you have a shorter life expectancy due to your playstyle doesnt that make that playstyle more difficult? You will have to regear more than a friendly meaning you will be vulnerable more often as a new spawn... There wasn't any argument there... Thats just a personal preference. Do I have to make a sound argument everytime I choose to wear brown gloves instead of black ones? You seem to be under the impression that i think KOS is a better playstyle than say being a friendly... I beleive niether is better than the other. All i'm doing is defending the KOS playstyle when people make ignorant statements making it sound like it is somehow a lower form of playing the game than being friendly.... Agree 100% I think that guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and really its his fault for not checking the windows first before entering like you guys did....
  19. execpro22

    Poll on KoS and Combat logging

    Yes, but why did you put two things that have NO relation to each other in the same poll?
  20. execpro22

    Poll on KoS and Combat logging

    Question.. why exactly is a certain PLAYSTYLE in the same category as a game exploit? What is the connection ? Are you going to make a poll asking if being a medic and hacking are part of the game also?
  21. I disagree as I have had some great drama during some shootouts that started due to KOS. I have also robbed people too which is contrary to popular belief, boring and kind of shallow... Its always the same interaction... they either run, shoot or just let me handcuff them and then what? I can either torture them or just let them run off with less gear... Not really that much "drama" compared to the countless battles I've had where I have lost friends or beleive it or not gained new allies after a fight is over... See if you can rap your head around that concept because it is all due to KOS.... If I remember correctly during the mod days Rocket actually gathered up statistics on how many KOS players there were in game and what thier average life expectancy was... It turned out that even though there were an abundance of KOS whine threads the percentage of KOS players vs. friendly or neutral players was actaully pretty low. Also it showed that their average life expextancy was alot shorter than a Friendly... Why do you think that is? Its because KOS players put themsleves in more dangerous postions. We are being shot at more than a friendly player beleive it or not... Played a hero for awhile in the mod... I got really boring to me. The interactions with players were all the same and were very shallow... To me PVP is the only true form of "interaction" as it has lasting consequences... Everything else is just inconsequential
  22. execpro22

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    Funny cuz we Americans hear the same thing about those russian and german players.... Aren't predjudices fun?
  23. You made a criticisms of something I had said in a previous post insinuating that players who choose a KOS playstyle should all have the same reason for doing it... Some of your arguments in this thread have been anti-kos so I'm confused as to why you get on me for talking about it, but for some reason you can say it all you want? Ok so Like I said by making statements like "fucking stupid" and "not worth my time" you are just giving up and putting your hands over your ears instead of responding to my criticisms. Thats fine I really dont want an argument. You made some ignorant statements and I corrected you. Obviously you dont want to respond which is fine by me. I did enjoy your original OP and thought it very helpful, the only flaw being your obvious bias with certain playstyles.. I look forward to more posts like your OP in the future from you...
  24. execpro22

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    Not that I disagree with this, but come on.... Lets be honest here, we always tell people not to get attached to something that is one of the main tools of the game... Kind of a oxymoron isnt it?