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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. execpro22

    Good day to be a hero!

    Oh your post was doing so good till you made that IGNORANT comment ....
  2. execpro22

    What has the standalone become ?

    Yes! Another post from you! My life is fulfilled again... And again another block of wisdom where you tell people to commit suicide. Brilliant!
  3. execpro22

    What has the standalone become ?

    We will try to hold out without you, but its gonna be hard.... Please come back as soon as you can. I dont know how long I will be able wait for more nuggets of wisdom from you...
  4. Yeah I need "help" too.... Could a Hero please come resuce me at the the NWAF barracks. Please have a M4 with pristine attachments and pristine ttkso jacket and pants along with a vest ok? So I know its you... :P
  5. I think Rocket said something about the Helmet+gas Mask combo being too scarey for all these bambi's to see so they had to take it out...
  6. Umm maybe to help balance the weapon spawns? Ok I get what your saying. You dont think his tactics are right because it hurts the development and testing of the game in the long run. I can agree to an extent, but your kinda ignoring a couple of things... 1. first of all, the amount of people even doing this is very small at least if your going by the repsonses on this thread. So basically it wont really affect you if one or two guys happen to be doing it. 2. One of your own posts actually refutes this from happening because you state that due to the fact that server restart evry couple of hours it would make him trying to hide guns in effectual. if thats true then why would that tactic bug you as it is doesnt even work according to you.... Isn't that the OP's problem though. Yes his tactic will be less useful with respawning loot, but why are you so worried about that. Shouldn't he be the one to worry about that? Calling you out.... Please show me the posts where I didnt address any of claims. i will gladly address anything I missed. If the way I post makes me seem like a jerk, I apoligise, but I feel like a JERK having to constantly defend playstyles and tactics in a game meant to be played anyway you want....
  7. execpro22

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I think they are trying to stray away from ghillie suits as it would destroy all the work they have put into with clothing customization. If guille suits came out everyone and there brother would be wearing one making clothing options pointless... I do miss them though....
  8. execpro22

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    Wow what a new and fresh IDEA you have come up with... We need to rush this IDEA into development quickly!
  9. execpro22

    What I have been relegated to...

    Your copy and paste responses disgust me.....
  10. hey the internet is serious business! Wow calling me a jerk... when was I a jerk exactly? Can you point to me the post that insulted you? Or were you just saying that out of spite? As soon as you make one I will. Still waiting for that to happen... Let me let you in on a little secret... Experimental branch isnt just to test one playstyle and see how it affects the game. Its to test MULTIPLE playstyles and tactics. That means if alot of people are hiding weapons that needs to be tested on experimental so It can be either tweaked or left alone depending on what the DEV's are going for. I'm sorry, but both branches are for testing and I would argue that this tactic should be tested on experimental even more than stable just so the dev can tweak the mechanics if they so choose.
  11. execpro22

    What I have been relegated to...

    Theres a line between brave and stupid. You seem to be confusing one for another. How so? I've done both and can say without a doubt for me, that KOS is alot more fun than robbing someone. Or are you speaking for us all on whats fun and whats not? Robbery are predictable and boring. They always go one of two ways... The person either gives up and lets you hold them up or they run and you shoot them. Either way not the most inetersting interactions. KOS on the other hand is never predictable becuase I could miss, there could be unseen back up of the player which results in a firefight or someone else hears and comes over looking for some action. Either way its never boring... Thats whats so great about this game. Different people have great experiences doing different things. For me I have the best experiences playing KOS, for you its playing as you do.... I dont see why you feel the need to judge one persons experiences or playstyle as less than anothers? 1. I do interact with people. I just use a gun to do it. How I interact and how you interact may be different, but the results the same.. we both get a level of enjoyment from how we play... 2. I have played friendly before and I found it completely boring. Thats why i switched to KOS. Your point is invalid because you beleive just because you enjoy your playstyle soo much everyone else should. Your guarantee didnt work. Do I get money back or something?
  12. It's his waste of time not yours... Not sure why you are so concerned about how he chooses to "waste" his time or why that makes you get emotional enough to feel sad about it. They arent a threat because they dont have a weapon yet, you know the thing the OP is hiding that you say is a waste of time.... What are you going on about now... Seriously? your telling the OP he shouldnt be afraid of people with guns? When did armed players start not being a threat? So just having a gun means you can "outshoot" someone? Does that make even a little bit of sense to you?
  13. The game is whatever you make of it.... There is NO right or wrong way to play... I'm really getting sick of all these elitist douchebags saying "no no no you cant KOS that is wrong" or "no no no you cant just socialize and kill zombies, that is not what the game is about" GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL.: ANYONE CAN PLAY ANYWAY THEY WANT TO.....
  14. I dont get it.. what makes him using this tactic so "sad"? Is it sad the fact that it is so HARD for you now to find a gun because some guy outsmarted you? Oh so now your agenda comes out.... Your mad that a player is smart enough to use a tactic like this and it makes it harder for little ol you to find a gun.... I'm just curious why you think he should be worried at all about whether he "screws over" some random survivor that would kill him in a sec? Yeah the OP really shouldn't be worried about that little thing called perma-death... He should probably just run up to you and let you head shot him right? That would probably be a better tactic.
  15. execpro22

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    276 posts and he still hasn't figured out the concept of paragraphs....
  16. execpro22

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    Jeez guys relax! Hes a new player who was tricked into thinking this game was alot different by watching some of frankie's staged videos... Give him a break.... Just letting you know that most of his vids are staged with friends or showing him after he is completely geared up so he doesnt have to worry about food. The game is really fun though if you give it a chance. Hope you stay on and learn the ropes...
  17. execpro22

    DayZ standalone set password?

    Yeah stop bitching just because some guy wants to run his server like a private loot farm with no fear of death.... You people are so unreasonable... Whats wrong with private hives deluting the player base and making a mockery out of the core game?
  18. When did I insult you? Or is calling you out on your "facts" insulting to you? Where exactly has this been defined in relation to the game? Did the developers make rules as to what constitutes being friendly? Is there a dictionary defintion I missed that explains in a zombie apocalypse what is defined as a friendly action? Who gets to make the call on what is friendly and what is not? You? Slapping arbitrary Labels on people in this game is very Elitist... True I dont know you, but you dont seem like the type of person who openly accepts people based on your "facts" so how could I get to know you? Chewy would like to get to know you though....
  19. I love it... Everytime you call out one of these elitist "this is how you play" people on the forums thier only response is to stick thier fingers in thier ears and yell soem pithy insults...
  20. No you KNOW what your version of friendly means and thats it..... A fully geared player hiding in a shed at an airfield who makes no response isnt a threat? Are you being deliberately ignorant just to prove your point?
  21. No buddy thats your OPINION.. You do know the difference between a opinion and fact right? And how exactly are you not judging him when he says hes a friendly and you judge his actions and call him a kos'er? That guy is friendly, hes just not a complete moron who would turn his back on a fully geared player at an airfield....
  22. You were overly patient with that guy... I wouldnt risk being so patient next time at an airfeild with a week old character
  23. Boom chicka wah wah booo
  24. execpro22

    The shy and oh so rare can opener

    So your saying you want to go the cannibal route ay? Got a joke for y'all... Why dont cannibals eat clowns? cuz They taste funny!
  25. execpro22

    Am I a bandit or KOSer?

    Your a Bandit. KOS is a made up distinction perpetuated by friendly players who create KOS whine threads cuz they havent figured out how to stay "out of sight".