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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. I heard theres a way to dupe items and stuff without using any scripts in game... Cool story, bro. OP never said they needed scripts for it. #getwrecked Even cooler story bro.... How exactly can you have ESP or nukes without scripts?
  2. So, I've got about 4 full water bottles. 18 goat and beef steaks all cooked. I'm carrying a 1911 with about ten mags and a ak74 with about 5 mags. I have the map, watch, compass, hatchett, matches, and entrenching tool(not really sure what that does). Basically I started to realize today that looting barns or cities are now pointless because I have all the food and drink I'll ever need and the weapons I'm carrying are better than what I'd find in those places. Basically the only places to loot now are military locations such as deerstands, airfeilds and military tents. Its kinda wierd once you realize this. I think my next step once I've looted the military spawns some more will be to get a car.
  3. I heard theres a way to dupe items and stuff without using any scripts in game...
  4. execpro22

    bad weather in dayz

    Love the rain! It is very atmospheric and really makes you listen to the ambient noises more closely.
  5. execpro22

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    33. The proper way to talk to someone in dayz is to first yell "friendly?" Then wiggle your body left and right and then finally holster your gun and salute a total stranger.
  6. execpro22

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    Oh come on.... You guys really dont want to join in on the fun?
  7. execpro22

    How awesome is dayz?

    Same here though with the new extended cut coming out for ME3 I might have to divide my time....... Oh what am I saying? I know I'm gonna still keep playing.
  8. execpro22

    Really annoying problem

    Yes putting on camo and then logging out makes this happen
  9. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Yeah I think I'm gonna just loot stary and NWAF a little more and then my next goal will be to find and build a car.
  10. execpro22

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    Assholes' date='yes, griefing noobs, no. Just because it is different from the way you choose to play does not make it noobish or incorrect. The sooner everyone realizes this, the better off the mod will be. [/quote'] Camping the coast and shooting unarmed spawns isn't greifing? Thats a new one on me buddy.
  11. execpro22

    Really annoying problem

    At least you haven't taken one of those magical "spawn swims" a mile into the ocean. Its verys fun to swim to the shore for an hour to find out you have completely NOTHING on you.
  12. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    *sigh* Why must we go in circles like this? If it honestly robs you of enjoyment to be killed' date=' then why not just go play a game in which that's not possible? Your enjoyment will be guaranteed. People who play DayZ and then act like PvP ruins the fun kind of seem to me like people who show up at a concert and then stand around saying TURN THE MUSIC DOWN I'M TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION. [/quote'] Oh jeez. Here we go. Zed please dont turn this thread into a bandit vs. survivor thread. If you want to to do that theres only about a million other threads about that. All I'm talking about is how unneccessary city and barn looting become after playing for awhile. This has NOTHING to do with banditry. And for the record, I am NOT against banditry at all. I am against griefing though, but thats another convo for another thread.
  13. execpro22

    Matt's Magic Emporium

    any vehicles?
  14. If anything, I'm seeing more people hating on anyone who has a dissenting opinion about anything to do with this mod, even game mechanics and bugs. It's like all these people say "yeah were testing an alpha and looking for bugs and stuff" but the minute someone reports one or gives thier opinion on a game mechanic(something were SUPPOSED to do) they have ten "hardcore elitist" types insulting them and telling them not give thier opinion on anything. It just makes these testers want to stop posting and its really a form of bullying. It's Like anything Rocket does in-game is "untouchable" and cant be critiqued at all. I think the more we work on building a more OPEN community, the better the opinions and critiques will be.
  15. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    except i never mentioned doing any killing sprees' date=' banditry, or griefing your own narrow-minded approach to this game is holding you back [/quote'] Yes cuz "hunting" players has NOTHING to do with killing sprees, banditry or griefing....... How is my approach holding me back at all? I never said that this game isnt fun anymore. All I was speaking to was the fact that after awhile visiting cities or barns becomes pointless. How bout you get off my back adolph? I'm not gonna start PKing just cause you enjoy it. Good for you, but thats not me.
  16. execpro22

    Guns in action

    I have an ak74 with 5 clips that I found in stary and an m1911 sidearm with 10 clips. Would like an ma4 something
  17. Cool But that doesnt answer my question either. No there are no player controlled zombies in game yet......
  18. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Sorry I am no bandit and refuse to turn to a life of crime just for entertainment value. Iv'e been beaten to it' date=' but yes as others have mentioned...hunt bandits and pk'ers! Not only will you get the satisfaction and joy of playing paladin but knowing those scumbags are wailing like stuck pigs when you pop 'em is oh soooo sweeeeeet! :D [/quote'] would like to do that. Maybe I need to join up with a group who does this?
  19. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Yeah in YOUR opinion thats the most fun. I choose to play this game as RPG like as possible. I would not go on a killing spree in real life. I've had alot of fun just not pulling the trigger. Let me tell you something. It takes a great amount of SKILL and patience to not pull the trigger and come out alive with out murdering someone. Its alot harder than your bandit playstyle. Apparently letting people live is BS to you, but thats you. It seems I struck a cord with you as you don't seem to believe there is a such thing as "morality" in a videogame. I can tell you that for me, there is and will always be. maybe you should try it instead of spitting out "griefing propaganda" about video game morality
  20. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Honestly' date=' I'm not sure how I would go about doing that. [/quote'] Just play like you have played so far. 95% of players you shoot on sight are probably murderers. I have been alive for at least ten in game dayz and have visited all the major hotspots including nwaf and have yet to kill anyone yet. I have zero muders or kills. I have met people who I just backed off from. I REFUSE to become a KOS player!
  21. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Honestly, I'm not sure how I would go about doing that.
  22. execpro22

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Posted by sunnz - Today 11:32 AM This. This is exactly what I'm starting to realize. I had WAY more fun first finding basic loot then I do now trying to loot meager military spawns. At least with the cities and barns you always find something you need. The military spawns are a total crapshoot for such a high risk.