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Everything posted by execpro22

  1. execpro22

    NWAF - You lied to me

    I completely agree with you that knowing when to shoot is definately important, but shooting someone even if there is nothing to gain from it isn't about loss or gain at all.... It's about entertaininment. For some people it is entertaining to shoot at someone even if you dont need thier gear. Some people shoot everything they see for the thrill and challenge even if it may put them at a disadvantage. Doesn't neccessarily mean they are unskilled.
  2. execpro22

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    I hope so too. 30 seconds is not nearly long enough to catch a combat logger before they log. I think the timer should be increased to at least 60 seconds.
  3. execpro22

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Do you realize what you are saying? "if we could keep them in the fight" The only thing not "keeping them in the fight" is themselves.... You are blaming the log out timer for thier bad behavior....
  4. execpro22

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    Yeah Shatner vs. God.... Not the most thoughtout script Row row row your boat.....
  5. execpro22

    NWAF - You lied to me

    So your basically Implying that because someone has a KOS playstyle they are inherently unskilled. Sorry. but that is simply not true.
  6. execpro22

    Character wipes still happening?

    So your saying that either your belt strap is loose or your backpack is loose and stuff keeps falling out of it? :P
  7. execpro22

    Where am I?

    One small tip is when you spawn or happen to be by the coast, when the ocean is on your left side you are probably heading west/southwest. If the ocean is on the right side you are heading east/northeast. Get a compass as It will help you immensely when traveling. If your ever lost look for roads or follow power lines as they will always lead you to signs. Like someone else said the best way to navigate is to memorize the dayzdb map and remember the names of cities off of that map.
  8. execpro22

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    Wasn't that bourbon? By the way that movie sucks.....
  9. execpro22

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    No its you who are missing the point. If we give combat loggers the option to abort that will actually encourage more combat logging...With what you propose, combat loggers now get a second chance to live even though they made a bad decision like logging out in a combat situation. Why excatly would you want to give the combat loggers a second chance if they make the mistake? Did you really think that no one would see through this obvious "whine" thread because you cant exploit the system anymore?
  10. execpro22

    Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

    No offense, but why the frick are you asking this question that has been asked literally 10 millions times? You know the answer already! It's not really rocket science to figure out that: A: the game has literally NO features right now so after gearing up which is incredibly easy the only thing left to do is hunt players. B: running out into a field in a bright orange target, surrendering and waiting to get shot doesn't magically make you INVULNERBLE. If you were really serious about not wanting to lose that giant target on your back then you would have hid in the brush when traveling not run out into an empty field screaming shoot me please... Gosh I swear they need to pin this thread so when the next genius gets shot he can have the psychology of why he got shot explained to him
  11. execpro22

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I consider hypocritical whiney players who want a magical armband to give them easy mode when dealing with other players the lowest common denominator...
  12. execpro22

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    Oh I "get it" You think the fact that because you stayed in the game and changed your mind on logging only because you were "caught" that somehow makes it better. What you don't get is that Rocket wants the system to punish you for making a bad decision such as logging in a firefight. Why should you be able to weasle out a making a bad decision in DAYZ? Again Dayz is all about making those Life or death decisions and seeing them through to the bitter end.
  13. execpro22

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    Difference being with Rockets way the game forces you to face the consequences of your cowardly decision... You basically want the game to give you a second chance if your cowardice doesnt work to your advantage.... Isn't DAYZ about having to live with the consequences of bad decision making? Again NO DICE!
  14. execpro22

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    I'm sorry, but if you choose to log out and someone "bumps" into you then you obviously picked the wrong spot. Your fault, not the games.
  15. execpro22

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    So basically you normally combat log but now that they put in this new anti-combat log system you cant just pansy out of a firefight. You want the system to not hold you accountable for making a bad decision like trying to log out during a firefight. You are saying that you should be able to change your mind at the last second if you run from a fight, but your persuers catch up to you.... No dice!
  16. execpro22

    DayZ's Absurd Public Server Hosting Polcies

    I'm confused... Doesnt the DAYZ mod already allow you to do all those things that you were just complaining you cant do in the SA? Doesn't the DAYZ mod have more features currently then the SA?. Why aren't you renting a server for the MOD right now?
  17. execpro22

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    The only thing ridiculous is the OP'S logic on this as he seems to think anything outside of the game is a "cheat" meaning he has just invalidated his own opinion by just being on these forums....
  18. execpro22

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    So I guess being on these forums must be a cheat too since you are getting out of game info from people......
  19. execpro22

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    Dean was in game correct? Sacriel was in game correct? They were both talking to each other using VOIP correct? I would call that gameplay, but you can call it whatever you wish I guess. Tomatoe....Tahmahtow
  20. execpro22

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    Funny cuz Dean (the creator of the frickin game) Hall was seen in one of Sacriels youtube videos using a third party VOIP to talk in game to Sacriel. If its good enough for the creator of the game to use I really dont think you can call it it "cheating". Unless you are now telling me that the creator of the game is also a cheater too....
  21. Well as Jean Claude Van Damme taught us in Time Cop you cant occupy the same space even in the world of DAYZ... I was logging into a server with a bunch of friends and decided to move a little bit. As I am waiting for them to log in right next to me I all the sudden get a black screen that says "you are dead". I'm like WTF? I didnt hear any gunshots and I was in a tree so no one could have seen me. Then my friends tell me that there in the server and one of them is standing right on top of my body. They say that there is no blood on my body. Me being the genius I am pull some wisdom from Van Damme and realize that if you spawn in the same spot as someone else they will DIE! That is all.
  22. execpro22

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    Kinda funny considering when we were playing last night and were able to handcuff a friendly your first response was to start shooting him with a magnum for no reason.... Did your 30 year old penis get hard when you did that?
  23. execpro22

    Carrying both an m4 and mosin

    I got a solution CENO.... how bout this time you just keep the Mosin to cover and I'll use the m4. That way you can stay further back from the action so you dont get killed this time... :P
  24. execpro22

    What dose "friendly" even mean?

    The fact you even brought up that you "could have logged" tells me your one of those cowardly lions who dissapears when things get hot... It's combat logging trolls like you who cry firendly in game