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Everything posted by Michael322

  1. Michael322

    Do the devs even read these at all?

    Every company has the same reason to be here. Make money (no their meaning is not to satisfy everyone). No they do not prefer something which makes less money, cause it will cost them their company in the future. Both those games have their separate teams. And about that "arent very interested in the game." Well few weeks ago there was a camp for many content creators made by BI, they even hired few modders there, they do blogs regularly, they are making patches and updates for 10y old game (which you had to pay for ONCE). I dont know buddy. I dont think they dont care. I think they are just not so big to be 24/7 on those forums. Ppl are complaining about the Frostline price, about the Livonia being free, etc. Still company made for profit, and kids are crying cause they do not have enough attention and they have to pay literally for thousands of hours of fun twice. And about the issues which should not be in 2024 game: Well the engine is pretty old, they for sure are trying, they even fixed few of the most annoying bugs (ADS, etc). I really think they would make it perfect, if the code allowes them to do so. They made this clear many times. Unfortunately, Dayz has extremely complex and old engine which allows for many things you do not even realize in game, but also fixing one thing usualy messes with few other things. So conclusion: It is not they do not feel passion, or they do not want. It simply is extremely hard and to be honest, the game with its flaws is the best it ever was. Lets remember few years earlier, right?
  2. Michael322


    So basically you went in and write a essay, to say him, he does not know how to play DayZ. Good job, hope it made your day better. Yes his video proves nothing, but the grenade trick is real and I can asure you, that it happens extremely often and it is for sure caused by cheaters. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact how experienced this guy is. Yesterday, my wife logged in the Livonia server, and she diedt three times in few hours by perfectly thrown grenade just under her. Guys are certainly shoulder-peeking only her on absolutely open spots, where enemy could be absolutely everywhere, etc. Its is extremely infested by cheaters and the only important point in this thread should be: BOHEMIA IS NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THAT SITUATION AND FORCES EVERYONE TO PLAY THE COMMUNITY SERVERS TO SAVE THEIR EXPERIENCE, WHICH IS EXTREMELY IRRITATING AND SAD.
  3. It is pretty much common to have Airfields with no concrete runway. If it was created just o support the cause and for small planes, there is no need to be visible road. Also dayZ devs are usualy making locations based on real places, so they probably just took some place, made it more overgrown and also targeted by the zombie infection and ctrl + v it into the game.
  4. Michael322


    Yes this happens alot. Especially before the wipes, as those cheaters are clearing their stashes. I played EU Livonia official server few times last week (DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4295 (1st Person Only)), and every death (except those at freshie towns) are by grenade being thrown perfecly under me. I usualy dont even see the person. Few of those I even have recorded. They are cheaters for sure and unfortunately noone is moderating those servers. It is sad especially because there aren't many Vanilla Livonia servers around, and I don't enjoy playing modded as much. If more ppl would play community Vanilla Livonia, I woudnt ever touch official again. It is extremely annoying. And more so because there are not enough steps by BI to stop that.