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About wadiman355

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  1. wadiman355

    Gun raise rework

    I understand that you're doing your best to improve on it and make it more accurate etc but i don't think the way it works is even good, the gun shouldn't go from a 180 degree to a 90 degree in 0.1 sec. I think they should change it to be similar to Tarkov and Insurgency Sandstorm, guns when pressed against a surface go into the players shoulder and not totally hinder the players aim.
  2. wadiman355

    Toggle lean

    Why would they remove it, even if no one uses it it doesnt harm to have.
  3. wadiman355

    Toggle lean

    There should be an option to toggle on lean, instead of playing Twister with your fingers in a fight
  4. The holster doesn't get used for very long, often replaced for a vest or a rig due to the capacity being much more worth while, so why not expand its life time with a hip holster craft.
  5. wadiman355

    Asking for permission to use the real name of guns

    Yes, but what i am saying and has happened in the past is You or your company ask for permission for the correct names and sometimes they will give them to you for free. Did you ask for the rights or did you assume there would be a price? Edit- How come you dont get the rights to the guns due to Bohemia being linked with the Arma series. They have some of the right names for some of the guns such as the AKs
  6. wadiman355

    Asking for permission to use the real name of guns

    Cant hurt to ask
  7. I only found this on google but it states that just asking for permission to use the real gun name for your game is often free from the holders of the copyright as they see it as free advertisement. Might be of interest for you guys to send to emails out for permission. Even if you cant get all the names it would still be cool to get the actual name of the guns. Did you guys at least ask?
  8. Leaning should force walk. Spamming the left and right lean shouldn't be as smooth and should stop the player upright(kinda like a delay between leans) before going to the next lean direction, this prevents people from lean spamming which is annoying and makes the game feel competitive like they're in a movement shooter. Should not be able to lean whilst in the inventory menu, similar reason to the second point. Crouch sprinting shouldn't give player the ability to do the sprint punch (glitch i think?).
  9. wadiman355

    DayZ | +30 QoL suggestions | Part 6

    5- I dont think they should be a portable 1 tap bomb that fits in your pocket, i think the launcher is balanced because it is massive and takes a shoulder slot. 18- I agree with this and i believe you should be able to hear player voice to, purely for the reason that if they are saying" if you get up im going to shoot" you which would increase player interaction instead of just executing everyone immediately because everyones first instinct is to swap to a gun and start shooting thinking they player doesnt know your uncon. 24- The melee combat sucks and especially this mechanic, run punch is one of the worst mechanics ever, you gain an advantage by running in a circle for 2 sec and its buggy because the range on those swings in 10x. I hate the combat so much, i would literally do the mocap at bohemia for free to get new melee mechanics. Everything else i agree on. I like these posts they are good.
  10. wadiman355

    Door randomization on restart

    No idea what you are saying but what i am saying is ever door is closed upon restart which i dont think it good because it makes tracking players for the first 30 mins very easy because open door = player has been here
  11. wadiman355

    Door randomization on restart

    Title(Also remove the sound of them opening and closing when the server is shutting doors)
  12. wadiman355

    Un-toddler proof the game

    Why can i not overdose on any of the drugs? why can i drink the disinfectant and only vomit and not die? Why can i give myself the wrong blood type and live?why when i inject x amount of morphine into myself i am completely fine? Why when i eat charcoal tablets do i not vomit like i am supposed to?Why does the game save me from drowning? I dont understand why they would change these features to save the player from killing themselves, was it changed to allow toddlers to play and people with an IQ of 40?
  13. wadiman355

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    I'm confused are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?
  14. wadiman355

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    You can turn around as fast as you can move the mouse, I dont think it should be that responsive.
  15. Stab vest should have half the projectile protection that the ballistic vest has. Source- https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Clothing#Vests