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Everything posted by Jabes

  1. I don't know who this guy is (random friend of a teammate) but he claims to be hacking, teleporting players and vehicles around / using godmode. I haven't played DayZ in a while and I don't have it installed so I can't get their server info or anything. Can you use their client address ip in TS to ban them from DayZ?
  2. Jabes

    L85 needs to be changed

    L85's are common as hell. I've found more L85's than Fals. My group of 3 has found around 6 L85's on choppers in the past week. I would not mind seeing the thermal scope go. Honestly, I would prefer a red dot/holo on the L85
  3. Jabes

    US 137 TG clan server. TROLOLOLOLOL fun.

    This is funny, because you assume that all of the vehicles belonged to one group, when there is no single 'TG' group. In any case, I was the one who killed whoever was firing off randomly with the Saw. The hive was down that day and kept resetting, and unfortunately the server crashed 10 seconds after I popped you. You guys have no idea what you're doing lol. edit: the only player who had power to restart the server was on the other side of the map, playing with a different group, and not only would he not give a shit about a bus (like anyone does), it is strongly against his or any of TG's code of ethics to restart a server to gain back any lost gear. Also the player you shot is not affiliated with TG nor was it his fault for disconnecting. Everyone was having connection issues that day and it was difficult to even get into the server in the first place.
  4. My friend and I were recording and we both were killed at the same time a nuke went off at the south barracks at the NW Airfield. Videos are being uploaded as I type this. Not sure how you'll be able to check, but hopefully having a player list will help narrow it down. This is the 2nd time I have been killed in this manor this week alone and it is becoming very disheartening to keep going through this. I hope you guys can catch these bastards. My video: Friend's video: You can see the nuke on my friend's video...
  5. This has potential for more problems than it is worth. The whole reason rocket removed the 5 second timer was because you could take gear out of someone's pack during those 5 seconds and dupe it. Also, there is never a 100% 'safe' place to log out, someone could find your body after you logged out and kill you. I'd rather not experience that. If possible it would be cool to see a feature that detects when you are suppressed by bullets and won't let you logout for 5 minutes or keeps your body in game for that long if you alt f4. Not sure how plausible that is.
  6. Jabes

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I personally had maybe 9 or so CQF kills. My group of 3 in total had 25-30 kills within a 4 day period. It was a pretty sexy shot and ambush we had set up, too bad you guys had to go and restart the server because you didn't want to lose all your AKs and M4a1's lol. http://i.imgur.com/Sb9L0.jpg look familiar?
  7. Jabes

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    These are the guys that restarted their server (EU 25 now called EU 2 hosted by Vilayer.com & CQF) after I shot the driver out of their Ural and stole it. They didn't bring the server back online until the next day. Pretty cool guys.
  8. Jabes


    Got killed by hackers twice this past week. First time, I got sniped through several walls from around 600m away. I had a saw, m16acog, nvg, gps, coyote backpack. Second time, a hacker nuked the server and I had an L85, M4a1 cco sd, coyote backpack, and the car I was in disappeared.
  9. Jabes

    Carbonated Trading

    done I'm guessing you'll contact me?
  10. Jabes

    Carbonated Trading

    I'll give you an M107 for an Mk 48
  11. A couple friends and I have been doing some recon on a couple servers that are run by one clan (they killed one of our friends), and we finally made our move. Last night we found their ural parked, waited for it to drive away, shot the driver out, got in and started driving it when we get "No message recieved..." We think wtf! We've been watching them move in and out of town for 45 minutes waiting for our moment to strike! We hop back to one of their other servers where we have a car and some tents with a pretty nice pile of gear and decide to get retribution on them for pulling the plug on the first server. My sniper friend and I manage to take out 3 or 4 of them at their tent city, and steal away with some gear and drop it off at our camp site. I logged in earlier and everything was fine, looted some choppers and came back to camp when "No message recieved..." pops up. When the server came back online, all of our tents and vehicles had disappeared and all of our hard work over the past week was destroyed. I had no idea admins were able to basically 'erase' the server that way, and they didn't even post a message in chat about the server resetting beforehand. Very frustrating. I know that restarting a server in order to save your stuff is considered admin abuse and grounds for blacklisting, but I don't know about wiping a server clean. :/ Unfortunately this is the only screenshot I managed to nab when we stole their Ural:
  12. Jabes

    Is this admin abuse?

    I would report them, but right now our gear is on their server and we're having fun killing them (killed 12 total in 2 days lol). I also don't really have any evidence, unless someone can look up the server logs or something.
  13. Jabes

    Is this admin abuse?

    Dayz Zombie Rpg - EU25. It was hosted by Vilayer.com and CQF. The other servers were US 20 and 21 hosted by the same. Didn't manage to get a screen of the player I killed in the Ural right before they restarted the server.
  14. Jabes

    Is this admin abuse?

    One of our friends went on their teamspeak and they responded with something like "we wiped it because we were attacked by hackers..." or something along those lines.