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Everything posted by mistermoleman

  1. mistermoleman

    Let them live or not ?

    Today I was driving around in one of my vehicles (pickup) and I came across a guy without any guns, so I decided to pick him up. He wanted to go to a pharmacy since he was infected and kept passing out so I drove to one. In the pharmacy he passed out and I waited for him to wake up, when he woke up I was busy killing zombies and he ran to my pickup and drove away with it. I popped all the tires so I could run after him, after a while he crashed into a fence and exploded. This is the last time I will be friendly towards anyone that I am not talking to in a VOIP program or something similar. So I'd say, go for the kill. That's what I am going to do everytime from now on. If the odds are against you avoid them or just pretend that you are friendly if it's a situation that you can't avoid and run away or kill the person when he has lowered his guard.
  2. mistermoleman

    Post your loadouts

    I stole truck full of equipment so now I have M4A1 Holo, Coyote backpack, ammo and medical supplies after rougly 1 hour of gameplay. Also the truck is decked out, so I can just go and get some stuff whenever I need to. I had a M107 yesterday but I left it in the camp where I found the truck, so I will have to go back and retrieve it along with more vehicles. http://i.imgur.com/02FyQ.png http://i.imgur.com/CNIWl.png http://i.imgur.com/KdcVQ.png http://i.imgur.com/tSwDc.jpg I just need some damn nightvision goggles and I'm set for hunting in the dark.
  3. mistermoleman

    SE 3 exploiter

    So today I was playing on SE 3 and I ran across some guy called ".D" (might be something else instead of the "."). Anyhow, he used the disconnect glitch to his advantage. Here's how it all went down: It all began with a car chase after I had opened fire on him. I chased this guy for 2-3 mins with my car but I could never catch up to him, eventually he crashed in a tree and I caught up with him. He noticed that I was very close to him and he drove his car out on a field and disconnected while driving. "Every single time", I thought to myself and then continued walking into a small town. After a couple of minutes I saw some guy that spawned in a shed, it was ".D", the same guy that disconnected earlier. He saw me aswell and we ended up shooting each other to death. What I think he did is that he disconnected changed sever and then reconnected so that he could get the jump on me, which he would've gotten if I didn't see him spawning. I am quite pissed now since I had some really good gear and too see someone cheating like that but I realize that this is alfa and that there is nothing that I can do about it except for writing a cheat report. I would also like to add that the vehicle that he drove dissappeared when he disconnected.
  4. mistermoleman

    camp sites

    I once hid a car next to the millitary tents in Stary Sobor, you know the parking lot with wrecked cars next to the tents. I hid the car between two wrecked cars and nobody touched it for five days. Funny thing is that the city was crowded with players the whole time and I saw people walking by it several times without noticing anything. As for tents I just go to random places in the woods and hide them next to trees.
  5. mistermoleman

    Where is your go to spot to find sniper rifles?

    I search for loot in the far corners of the map on big servers. You will very likely find several camps during one trip and a majority of thoose camps are packed with loot. Recently I actually found a camp with 50+ STANAG SD mags and DMR mags. Also guns to go with the mags were there. If you can't do this then try too look in deer stands and barns if you want to find rifles easily, you will mostly find CZ550. If you want millitary grade stuff look in crash sites and airfields.
  6. mistermoleman

    Bandit Pro TIp

    It seems as if everyone that plays this game is using your tip, very annoying.
  7. mistermoleman

    Secondary weapon: PDW or M9SD ?

    M9SD is the one to go with out of those two because of the silencer, it will help you when raiding places with loads of zombies. Personally I would choose M1911 over those two beacuse it is more accurate and has much more stopping power, it can take down a player very quickly. The same goes for zombies, if you shoot a zombie in the chest it is dead in one shot. The bad thing is that it makes quite a lot of noise but that doesn't matter, just kill every zombie and go find more ammo since it is very easy to come by.
  8. mistermoleman

    Is this cheating (server script)

    I'm pretty sure thats some guy spawning stuff.