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Everything posted by Surg3on

  1. Oh noes! a server plays a way the OP doesnt like. Whatever will he do?! Theres no other servers to choose from!
  2. Is it really that bad that people run out of stuff to do in a FREE MOD? This isn't an MMO with a monthly fee.
  3. Hmm so ... stay the hell away from NWA is what Im hearing.
  4. Surg3on

    Land Navigation made simple

    Fails at step 1. I have never found a map in game after easily 20+ hours.
  5. Theres nothing wrong with you hating the game. Just go play left for dead as it lets you blast zombies heaps! Let this mod play out as a product you either like or dislike.
  6. In Australia you can't do what the OP mentions with any efficiency. Most servers are full all day! As for fresh respawns. It'd be nice if they had a larger range of spawn points IMO. Not a big issue really.
  7. This is a "my experience post" and it is factual to the best of my recall. No need for name calling if you think I'm stupid for doing whatever it is that I did. Bought the pack from Steam and followed the recommended instructions on the Dayz website for getting the mod up and running (6updater). Took a little fiddling but nothing more than expected. Opened operation Arrowhead, turned the graphics to high. Framerate seemed acceptable so did the first training mission. Controls seem OK. I haven’t set up voice yet but to start with I don’t want to bother any players with my noobness anyway.Used the 6updater to launch a game on a USA server that is on 25/50 players. Lowest server I could find that wasn’t greyed out. All the Australian servers were full (congrats!). Start on a beach. Somewhere.... Grass growing all the way to the water eh? :P Run maybe 5 steps as I have heard on the forums of people running up and down the beach to get to towns. Music changes, 3 zombies that were over a small rise and not visible to me come and eat my brains.... I don’t bother running, its mainly flat where I am and I wouldn’t be able to lose them if I wanted to. Sit at YOU ARE DEAD screen for a while trying to figure out how to respawn. The respawn/restart buttons on ESC menu doesn’t seem to do anything, even if I wait a min or two. Quit server. I never do figure out how to respawn. Start next to a small town, can see plenty of zombies. Crouch walk to some of the buildings on the outskirts. I am unable to tell the difference between a house you can enter and a house you cannot. I do not find a house you can enter (note the tutorial covers opening doors so I knew how to do it). I decide to head up the hill and see if I can find a less zombie infested area. Walking through the forest is cool but the trees roots look silly on the slope. Find a big radio tower! Very cool looking. I can see zombies so I crawl to the tower. Again unable to tell if I shouldn’t be able to search the small shed next to tower. Climb tower, have a look around. Ooh ! farm , so I climb down and crouch walk down the hill . A zombie sees me and hits me before I know what’s happening. I start to bleed. Sprint down to the barn hoping it has 2 entrances (as the forum says that is how you lose zombies). Doesn’t work. Zombie attracts every other zombie for large radius and they are heading towards me from all directions. I continue to bleed , start to walk.... die. Start next to a small town again. This time I find a house that I can enter (door was already open? Is it like this for all enterable houses? I guess I’ll learn that). Find a Coke AND Pepsi can and get them into my inventory (as if the two would exist in the same household!) Crouch walking to the next house, zombie I cannot see is hiding behind a fence or something, all I know is an aggroed zombie runs out from behind the fence. This aggros every zombie in town and I’m dead again. I won’t suggest much as you’re the game designer and can take what you want from my experience. I was disheartened by the fact that if aggro was attained there was nothing at all I could do about it and that aggro was very easily attained in my 3rd try even though it could not see me and I was not running.
  8. Day4 Played a bit over the weekend. I'm not pro but I have now seen most of what the mod offers and I might come back to it in a few months. Will be a very cool game with more polish and some incentives to group. BIS should give rocket a couple of staff :D Got shot in the face in a barn by someone for no good reason after running a loooong way :) Used all my ammo in one village killing zombies hoping for a can of food. Hunger needs to increase slower OR cans need to spawn more because outside of cherno/electro there really isnt a lot of loot areas that drop cans of food. Finally found ONE packet of matches after sooo many hours of searching!
  9. A quick fix to the current darkness "problem" would just be some kind of "can hold torch & pistol" solution (or duct tape)
  10. Nobody forcing you to read it. Trollers gonna troll i guess. I guess another thing to note is the community, the number of l33+ Do0dz is unfortunately high (at the moment).
  11. I dont mind about the dying or the no starting gun. Unlike many I do accept its Alpha (and I have a feeling it's going to be ported to Arma3 on its release anyway). Im just reporting my experience in a way that someone might find useful. The no food and water abundant but not drinkable for example.
  12. Day 3! perhaps nobody wants me to post this but then again perhaps someone will find it useful. Spawn at night! Good gosh its dark, I lived on a farm and I gotta say if you can see stars its never that dark! I found another player and we attempted to group up (his torch lit up the trees like it was one of those x-files torches, except with no refraction). I expect the Arma 3 lighting engine will help with the torches a bit. Noticed my person was not able to hold a torch even remotely level while jogging, poor guy must have stiff joints. We were killed by a zombie, was unable to figure out why it aggroed and others much closer did not. Switch to a daylight server. I have lived a fair while and actually found a gun! (when it rains it pours, one barn held a shotgun, 2 lee enfeilds and a crossbow). It was fun throwing all my tin cans and a smoke grenade to get the zombies in the barns upper floors to leave. I am unsure what I am doing wrong when throwing as it seems to make me stand up.... Before that I was overflowing with ammo and I fear when I log back in I wil starve to death as I never found food after a couple of hours! I am unsure why, when I pick up a gun I drop almost every item I had on the ground. edit: I might add I gave up and cheated using an online map.
  13. I am currently dying of thirst in a rainstorm while standing in a pond. :dodgy:
  14. Surg3on

    People...WTF is wrong with you?

    penny arcade describes it best: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/
  15. Surg3on

    The game isn't hardcore enough.

    If entering a delapidated building there is a small chance it falls on your head when you open the door. When carrying fuel with a lit flare, being shot can end up immolating you. Chicken coops should have zombie chickens (or real chickens and eggs).
  16. Surg3on

    Why do people trust so easily in this game

    Hey look ! another thread saying "look how cool I am because I kill people on sight and anyone who doesnt is stupid".
  17. Surg3on

    [AUS] Looking for group/clan

    Me too! Its lonley getting hatchetted to death by other beachgoers.
  18. Personally I think some kind of group skin that could indicate you as friendly would be a good thing. Perhaps an NPC group like (for lack of imagination) The NCR that you could only join and continue to be a part of with a very low NCR member murder count. Of course this wouldnt help noobs like me straight from the beach :)
  19. Op here. Tried again last night with the new patch. Spawned on the docks of Ectro (using itnernet map to guess) and wandered around there for an hour or more. I had all the parts to repair a car (windscreen, fuel tank, scrap metal) and some shotgun bullets. In the end I was killed by two players with hatchets (I assume they were just your typical internet trolls). It was certainly a bit better last night. Possibly due to side chat being enable and zombies not having x-ray vision and bionic hearing. It may just have been due to spawning in a more interesting area too.
  20. Surg3on

    Flashlight in

    needs to add duct tape item so you can tape the torch to your rifle/hat
  21. Probably how the virus started!