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About FuzzyBear182

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. FuzzyBear182

    Discouragement of PVP no matter the state of your health

    Your argument is sorta obsolete cause the game already discourages pvp and uses these survival elements you want. It's not easy. You can die in a second. I don't play call of duty mongoloid. Maybe you're just bad at pvp and that's why you want this bug it won't help you.
  2. FuzzyBear182


    I'm with it
  3. FuzzyBear182

    Sa80, Adar-15, Zentico kits.

  4. FuzzyBear182

    Discouragement of PVP no matter the state of your health

    This would just make the game impossible and not fun man.
  5. From console here. Many people are happy with the dlc and all you guys still do and plan to do. All the changes over the past 2 years have been great and in the right direction. Please don't listen to the vocal minority, most of the community loves you guys and can see your passion. Great job bringing on those modders and keeping the game updated after 10 years! Crazy. I'd help you out with their lame review bombing tantrum if I could.
  6. FuzzyBear182

    DayZ Expansion. Just saying.

    Not everything but... https://youtu.be/5-WjdUSvgeE?si=ErBVxNhGkh5S7FGq
  7. FuzzyBear182

    Discouragement of PVP no matter the state of your health

    I feel this used to be a thing but say a bandit sneaks up on you, shoots you, gets you low health, now you're double disadvantaged in fighting back. It would just get annoying, it makes sense, maybe I'm thinking about it wrong but to have someone try and kill you and barely be able to fight back would suck. You already get broken limbs and passing out and blood loss. Only thing I see to extra discourage people would be a death timer, but that might even be too hardcore for this games playerbase.
  8. FuzzyBear182

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    I'm all for slings over gears of war gun magnetization.
  9. FuzzyBear182

    Socks and foot fungus 🦶

    Kinda a sweet idea...
  10. New optica is too necessary. Doesn't make sense at this point and no one really cares for balance. Death is death in DayZ. Kill is kill
  11. FuzzyBear182

    A boat trailer for cars

    Seems too complicated for the game...
  12. FuzzyBear182

    Shotgun shells in flaregun

    Lol dayz eoka.
  13. FuzzyBear182

    camo netting on cars

    Would be great. Give them a use. Should be able to cut them into ghillies too.
  14. FuzzyBear182

    Cooking a soup

    Would be sweet.
  15. FuzzyBear182

    Predators should attack infected too

    Agreed. Infected attack prey animals. Had this happen to me and my brother at the NW military base on Sakhal. Totally trapped us.