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About lazarus@cs.odu.edu

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    On the Coast

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  1. Yes, i am actually, in the process of writing our new ban file. Again, thanks for your input.
  2. lazarus@cs.odu.edu

    CQF was banned from US138....

    We abide by the dayz rules, but as server admins we are also trying our best to ensure that the quality of gameplay is equal to all on our servers. As for the "douchebag" comment, you could have kept that to yourself until you had spoken with us. Luckily, that I don't care about your personal opinion of us. Thank you for the input though. We have reviewed logs of players that are exploiting duplication of items. (some of the logs actually them asking via direct chat on item type and quantity to dupe). We've also shared this with other dayz admins and while we did not recommend action on their part, we ARE responsible for our own server. The ban was issued until contact can be made with the persons responsible for those members. Any further comments should be in the form of PM to myself for Gary as the primary admins. At this time it's still under review if any other members of the listed group were directly benefiting, but in the interest of the other players, we've stopped there connections until we notify their leadership. Sorry for your inconvenience, i'm sure a determination will be made shortly.
  3. lazarus@cs.odu.edu

    Banned from US 138

    Please PM me your UID and i will check against the ban file for reason and let you know our findings. Thanks you.
  4. Ping has been updated to 250, please let us know if this is sufficient
  5. Request received: Our modifications are part of an ongoing attempt to keep the server running as well as possible for the players as well as limit connections that may experience lag and rubberbanding on the client end. I will increase the limit to 210 (it was set to 150 during test). This will not take effect until next scheduled restart (3am. EST). I will monitor this thread. let Gary or me know if you can connect and the result. Thank you.
  6. lazarus@cs.odu.edu

    US 138 Hacked "Chinook"

    Hello, I'm the admin of that server (US 138) and i'd be interested in any further info on the "hacked" chinook before i start sifting through the logs. Also, that server has been offline for modifications for performance since yesterday afternoon. But, to ensure due diligence, i'll start reviewing the logs shortly and should i find any instances i'll gladly report the UID's and IPs to the DayZ admins immediately. Thnx -Syndicate