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Everything posted by Potofchocolate436

  1. Potofchocolate436

    Seriously, WTF?

    Okay, so let me begin by sayin this. I love this mod, I love how hard it is, I dont mind the starting kit. I do mind one thing though. So I died a couple of times before I learned to crawl through towns and around zombies. Fair enough. Next time I spawned, I crawled through an entire town, looted some good stuff, and prepared to leave. As I was crawling out, however, OUT OF NOWHERE, a zombie somehow is alerted to me, and attacks me. Having no weapon yet, I am forced to run, and swarmed, and die. That frustrating because I did everything right, and died because of some bug.
  2. Potofchocolate436


    Okay. First of all, I love this mod. But somethings are REALLY REALLY REALLY ticking me off. First of all, no starting weapon is fine if you could actually sneak past zombies. I go prone and crawl for half an hour, then BAM a zombie sees me from behind a wall runs around the corner then im done. Secondly, when I FINALLY got the hang of it, got a good gun good amount of food moved North and was having a ton of fun, BAM, server hacked and i died for no reason. Im so frustrated.