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jokwod (DayZ)

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About jokwod (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. jokwod (DayZ)

    Radio broadcast towers

    I could see this happening, some guy making comments on the happenings on the server gathered by the eyes and ears of Chernarus :)
  2. jokwod (DayZ)

    Radio broadcast towers

    Me and my friends have been playing the game for a while now, and started talking about possible ideas like dynamic events to add small goals into the game for you if you decide to do it. The best of these ideas was the idea to have a radio tower, in which you could record a message to play over all radio devices in Chernarus. With this it adds a goal for server regulars and groups to control the radio tower, so that their message can be heard in certain buildings, or even on a radio item. This could be used to broadcast a location in which people looking to join a group could go to, and possibly join your group What does everyone think of this? I personally feel Dayz needs more things like this to get people moving about the map, not just to acquire loot and vehicles, But also other things; like a petrol station for a steady supply of food or Lighting the lighthouse. Small events like this would give bigger groups daily routines and a goal after they have gotten a full set of loot. TL : DR Think of that scene in "28 Days Later" with the radio, now imagine you could do the same in Dayz