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Everything posted by rad87

  1. Pros of teaming up? I'd say it's more fun to be a part of a group, for example you have someone to talk to during that 1h long (or longer) stroll through the forests. And how about when you're very low on blood, with broken legs, passing out every minute and you've run out of medical suplies? Your only hope is a friend who will get those suplies to save your ass.
  2. Hello, Everytime i see "DayZ Zombie RPG - Atlanta 48 (v1.7.1.5) dayzmod.com" server on the list it is either capped at 1 player or 2 players. I'd say having your own private server just for you and your friend is cheating.
  3. Next time I'll be sure to screenshot, now that i know it's prohibited
  4. Server with 1 player limit is what I'd call a private server which is not allowed by the Rocket's server hosting rules. Atlanta 48 usualy has Joel (or some similar name) playing there.
  5. rad87

    Disconeecting cheat on eu40

    Disconnecting to avoid death is exploiting
  6. I found that if you can't turn on or off your flashlight looking straight down to the ground will help. works for me every time and for my friend too. Guess it's somehow related to performance, like looking straight down makes much less geometry on the screen.
  7. Well if it was not for the side chat I would probbably still play alone. Few days before sidechat removal I got hurt pretty badly like around 2k blood left. Using side chat I ask for help and offered sniper rifle with ammo for transfusion. It was my best loot I found at that time so it wasn't like I didn't want to die because of loosing stuff, I just don't like dying. One guy decied to trust me and with starting gear got a bloodpack in cherno and made a run to me (I was at NW airfield). Because it was night and he had no compass it took him like around 3 hours to get anywhere near, yet still quite far. And then a bandit killed me while I was lying helpless on the floor. I'm glad all that happend because we are now friends with the guy who took the risk to save me and we play as a team. I don't think that removing global chat was a bad thing, but the direct coms should have bigger range in my opinion. Like maybe the size of a small city (like a village)
  8. The worst thing I did was shooting my teammate in the back... He accidentaly agroed some zeds and was in a pretty bad shape. So i tried to save him but I missed on the zeds. The worst part is that the body dissapeared like after a minute so we lost all that sweet gear he had. (We are still a team)
  9. I've been playing on Germany 4. After a couple of server crashes I spawned at the Debug Forest. Before that I was around Rog Castle. None of the gear seems mising. Forgot to give additional info. Player ID: 3590150. My char is Female and i'm wearing civilian clothes