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Everything posted by DrMurdoc

  1. DrMurdoc

    Sorry Persian

    My Name is Ethan and a person named Persian found me far NW, looking for the airfield, I helped him out then shot him in the throat as he ran away, he was un-armed, except Makky with no clips and The first time I legit felt bad, but thx for painkillers
  2. THX for DMR, and the FAL, the alice pack was nice to....
  3. HELLO. I was climbing a ladder and I got off it wrong at the top and fell, and broke my leg, I'm close to devils castle, in a safe area, I know it's a lot to ask but I will trade you something for morphine. I am right here (http://i.imgur.com/zAJuc.png), tell me what server and I will be there, I will give you anything I have for morphine, except my life please. EDIT: 2 down, and more are coming
  4. We kill you to survive, and most of all the feeling of killing something either than a zombie, like a goal. The feel of you'r murders going up and the fact that someone was actually affected by you, is amazing. Also, it is you'r fault 99% of the time, Because you are all stupid and make it to easy, staying on the coast where we hunt, is stupid, go up north, so easy to survive and we can not hunt you as well. PRO TIP: don't say in side chat what you are doing and where you are, Don't group up on side chat, and FFS don't say where you are going after saying where you are, makes our life so easy.
  5. Was on a bike, Got some zombies on some person with DMR because he was sniping, and he was running from them and I shot him in the leg with my Winchester, breaking his leg, making him crawl from about 4 zombies.