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About DrMurdoc

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I found a satchel charge on a dead guy, and blew up some one in Cherno, I put it on the side of the road, and waited for a noob, and sure enough I got one, and I got banned from the server, but I did not kill the admin. and Right before, in global chat, all there is is hacker omfg, ban murdoc just because I looted a guy, I guess screw my camp (I just spawned, my bud was coming to grab me)
  2. DrMurdoc

    Soldier Clothing

    Had A Helmet, and full arms, totally sweet
  3. Nothing like the SVD, and maybe a M16
  4. Some guy helped me out, got me a gun, but was wearing the soldier outfit or marine outfit, I don't know, it is cool, new skin?
  5. Off topic, I saw a CQF, flying a huey over cherno, and when we shot it down, he was fine when it crashed, so I think they are doing strange things. EDIT: he also had a hacked sniper, M110 or something.
  6. DrMurdoc

    My Day On DayZ

    So me and my friend are on a server, it gets nuked, I spawn outside of electro, he spawns in electro, Right away we both get lee enfields, and go into town. Guess what we see, 6 ghillie suit men, with M4A3 CCO M203 firing grenade launchers at us, It was green camo, so we knew it was M4A3, so I presume hackers, and we shoot one, and he falls, and sinks right away, no murder, they are hacking, so we kill the rest of them, Ya, we got the noobs, he dies, I survive, and I have to say worst hackers ever, EVER, could not kill 2 guys with lee's and the were jacking, no god mode? no nothing, and from the kill message, they were the admins, really, REALLY. and now we have to move servers. EDIT: OH YA, I was yelling profound language in direct well shooting the script kiddies that cant use god mode or aim EDIT2: they were behind us, that how my bud died, but for some reason they did not get me, they also carpet bombed electro after -_-
  7. We were flying around and my friend was doing backflips, then the idiot crashed, ya screw him. Out of no where right as we crash my buddy and his little bro are kicked for script restriction 55, doesn't that only happen when you are hacking or something? I also checked the Wiki, it says it does that sometimes when you are in a chopper. Then about 1 minute later the server said restarting server, battle eye kicking for script restriction, the server is not up, but will he be banned or something from our server?
  8. So we are coming back from a loot run with 3 friends, and on the way back I was shot, no big deal, and I'm watching my friend, sitting beside me after 5 minutes a guy comes for my body and he shoots him the the as50, in the chest, with nato rounds, and the guy lies down, we are all happy, then he gets up and his knee's and we hit him once more, get on his gut, then just sprints away, 2 hits. So he DC's, he does not want to be killed by a hacker, also had a thermal AS50, that was what he shot at us with. so Last friend gets the car and 6 of them are chasing him, tele or some crap in front of him, and he hits 3, guess what, they lie on there guts and get up and shoot at him. with those MK guns, the Arma 2 OA guns, the sand camo ones. So we lose everything we worked for 2 days prior, to hackers.
  9. DrMurdoc

    Car Trouble

    So me and 2 friends repaired a car, and we saved it often, and suddenly it said session lost. We spawn in and it is not anywhere to be seen, will it be back where we last saved, because if it is not I will probably rage quit, no joke, 3 hours to get it together, and we lose it for a stupid reason. Is this normal, that every time a server restarts or crashes, normally 4 times a day, we will need to get a new vehicle. If so I think this is stupid, so what should happen after a restart to our vehicles?
  10. DrMurdoc

    Best Way To Find A Vehicle?

    Finding in the forest is your best bet, unless you go around with all the things you need for repair, and go to the west side of them map where the truck and hatchback are, I normally get my vehicles from there, but I actually come across a fair amount just in the forest, go onto a dedicated server, with has been around for a while, and you will find camps.
  11. We are in our fully repaired truck, and we are making our camp and we stop at a store up north to grab a tent, and as we grab one(I am in the car, friend is in store) he gets shot, not lethal, and fixed up then shoots back, and I get out and take a shot and he disconnected, and we get the stuff thinking whatever, and then he gets shot in my passenger seat, his friend killed him (the combat logger had camo, this guy did not) and I get out around the corner and hit him 2 times with an M16 and he leaves, we are not happy but not devastated, we have a basic camp,and a bus and truck still, and I just grab his stuff, he had an extra backpack coyote in the camp, so then I'm driving back down the road and all of a sudden my guy gets out of the car and the game kicks me for something script like, same error when you press M then go to the server section and get kicked, I come back in and I am bleeding and combat logged passed out, almost die, eat all my steak so I can see and no truck, nothing, near the camp I walk back and the tent was not robbed just bugged out and got rid of some of our crap, not our AS50 or other good guns, we only lost all the AK's we have 4 in total, 2 AKM, and 1 AKS kobra, and one AK 74, not devastated but almost all the work we did today was lost, btw, it was not looted because the bus is fine and we had 3 NVG and 2 GPS, were all in tact but the last batch of guns put in were lost. I know I can not complain about these bugs and people but really, god dammit.
  12. DrMurdoc

    Don't Whine About The PvP

    People whine that Dayz is to realistic when it is not Dayz being realistic
  13. DrMurdoc

    Welcome To DayZ

    People say that when you get shot, but I find you really experience it when you take out a sniper squad alone, then the last guy alive runs, then decides he is mad and uses a jet and suicide bombs you. Just happened to me Recently >.> not to mad, got used to hackers within the first few days of playing P.S. sorry if you think this is a rage thread, it is truly not, was just watching a video and thought about what happened to me 2 survivors ago.
  14. It is a big part of the game and if you don't like the realism, do not complain here, the realism is from ARMA, not DayZ, seems like you people don't know, It is my favourite feature of the game, and I'm not a bandit, now suck it up, if you can not accept that bullets suck to be hit with, go somewhere else.