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About steam-76561199101199146

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. steam-76561199101199146

    ban for no reason(

    I've been playing dayz for a year now and today I wanted to log on to the server and write that I have globalban, I didn't use anything, I ask you developers to solve the problem since this is the only game I like to play, I can't stand the fact that I can't play it anymore, please(((
  2. steam-76561199101199146

    бан без причины

    I've been playing dayz for a year now and today I wanted to log on to the server and write that I have globalban, I didn't use anything, I ask you developers to solve the problem since this is the only game I like to play, I can't stand the fact that I can't play it anymore, please(((