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About bemount

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bemount

    UAZ loot

    The past 2 UAV's I've repaired and used have had the exact same things in them. I think it's common for every new spawn of them to have it.
  2. bemount

    5minutes of stupidity, welcome to Dayz.

    If you aim straight down near the front of the outhouse (right around where it hits the grass) you can always find it. I've never had an issue with them once I figured it out.
  3. Very nice, looks good. The join friend feature looks awesome.
  4. You may need to 'toggle weapon'. I have mine bound to tab, not sure what it is by default but check your controls. It's how you change to throw grenades and stuff. It also lets you change from burst to semi-auto on some guns, etc.
  5. bemount

    Totally new, just bought the game

    You don't start with a pistol anymore, that was a few patches ago that they removed it.
  6. bemount

    Map Notes?

    You'll want to know that all notes you put on your map will be visible by everyone that has a map on the server if I remember correctly.
  7. bemount

    Can't use TS3 while IG

    Years ago (in Vista) I had to run Ventrilo as administrator (right click, run as administrator) for it to work when I played games and wanted to talk on vent at the same time. You can try that and see if that helps for some reason.
  8. bemount

    Will my computer be able to handle DayZ?

    It's better to save up a little more and wait a few weeks then buy something that you'll regret for years (or until you can buy a new one).
  9. bemount

    Bought ArmA 2 just for this mod!

    If you just bought it and are waiting for the download, do yourself a favor and read some of the noob guides on these forums. They will help you tremendously when you start.