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salty (DayZ)

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Posts posted by salty (DayZ)

  1. There are no set vehicle spawn locations.

    The devs roll out vehicles manually so they can spawn them it at random locations. Vehicle spawns change every cycle to prevent people from doing what you're trying to do.

  2. If I drop my backpack' date=' how long will it stay there before it disappears?


    Natural loot piles spawn in when a player is nearby, then subsequently despawn when all players have left the area after a set period of time. I'm not sure if player dropped loot follows this mechanic, but I wouldn't chance it for long periods of time.

    Your best bet is to find a tent and place it in a low traffic area that's relatively hidden away. Tents persist through server resets, hold up to 10 weapons/tools, 75 general items, and 5 backpacks, and exist until two days after the character that places them dies.

    If I hit respawn (while still alive)' date=' do I still leave a corpse?



  3. @salty

    That is what I had believed however after playing for a solid 12 hours moving from noted vehicle spawn to noted vehicle spawn and we've found nothing' date=' we found a boat which was of next to no use, I was beginning to wonder if some servers simply hadn't spawned them yet. After leaving our last server, which quite frankly had vehicles in abundance to seeking a new server which seem sparse at best it was a little confusing.


    There are no set vehicle spawn locations.

    The devs roll out vehicles manually so they can spawn them it at random locations. Vehicle spawns change every cycle to prevent people from doing what you're trying to do.

  4. Don't hold me to this' date=' but I think it's 15 minutes. I try to skedaddle from the location if I see dead zombies.


    I'm pretty sure it's 15 minutes for zombies, but player corpses stick around for much longer.

  5. No worries im 15Km away from map :P

    I know the way through The Green Seas

    Also it worked the tents can be saved and even after a Restart.

    The best feature is that u cant open them' date=' unless ofcourse you know the proper procedure (as in a lock key) really nice behavior from the tents outside the map


    I hope the server your tent is on is running patch 1.7, and that the items stored inside are worth running 15 km for.

    Good luck with that.

  6. Dude... you people are so goddamned stupid.

    Mods' date=' can one of you lock this thread after making sure it's been passed up the ladder?


    Every single item on that survivors body, including the AS50, can be found in DayZ, so your video proves nothing.

    Instead of calling people stupid, perhaps you could elaborate on why you think he's hacking?

  7. I've played over 200 hours of DayZ, and I've been fortunate enough to never experience cheating of any kind.

    That being said, hacking is a pretty serious issue at the moment, but I have faith in the dev team's ability to clear up all of the security issues in due time.

  8. Sometime after now.

    It's alpha. If you want something that works perfectly' date=' come back when it's been officially moved out of beta.


    Please don't copy & paste me a usual message of aggression. I never stated it should be or needs to be fixed RIGHT now. I just asked, don't assume please.

    Please don't pose questions asked thousands of times which no one has the answer to without first using the search function.

    I did use the search function, I thought a new thread may have gotten attention from the devs. Please don't tell me to use the search function when the forums isn't even moderated properly for the search function to actually be useful.

    Your question doesn't even make sense. Hueys have always been repairable, they just haven't been spawned in by the devs for some time.

    Did you mean to ask when helicopter fuel leaks will be fixed/repairable, or when helicopters are going to be reintroduced?
