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salty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by salty (DayZ)

  1. salty (DayZ)

    Standalone Font

    I mean.. it should be painfully obvious that these are mock-up/placeholder menus.
  2. salty (DayZ)

    [SA] Gun lubrication to prevent jams

    I'd also like to see multivitamins, body lotion, and hand sanitzer added to reduce bodily malfunction and and discomfort. Also, maybe some turtle wax and Rain-X for my vehicles. <_<
  3. salty (DayZ)

    How to fly a plane?

    free advertisement dawg $$$ /s
  4. Rocket seems pretty sold on the Minecraft pricing model, so $15 should be the expected price.
  5. salty (DayZ)

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    You can carry as many knives as your pack can hold. I'm not sure what the complaint is here?
  6. salty (DayZ)

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Set a decent FOV and I'd be all for forced 1st.
  7. salty (DayZ)

    Music player?

  8. salty (DayZ)

    Dynamic water level

    Basic water, yes. Dynamic water levels dependent on a dynamic weather system (rainfall) seems like another matter entirely.
  9. salty (DayZ)

    Dynamic water level

    While it does sound interesting, it's just a completely unnecessary detraction from core gameplay elements. Not to mention the insanely complicated code/physics implications involved.
  10. salty (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Remove the thermal and make it more rare.
  11. salty (DayZ)

    DayZ Cinematic

    Give credit where it's due, friend. :( tsk, tsk
  12. salty (DayZ)

    What did I get killed by?

    Most rifles can sound like this from a distance. It's normal. Get used to it. ;)
  13. salty (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    People who'd rather not perform monotonous tasks are not lazy, they're resourceful.
  14. salty (DayZ)

    The dumbed down weapon damage system

    Because needless clarification and random fact dropping make him feel intelligent and well informed.
  15. left shift + numpad minus type 'flush' hit enter
  16. salty (DayZ)

    Anti deppresants

    Super productive post. Very helpful.
  17. salty (DayZ)

    Standalone HD skins...

    Vertical or horizontal stripes?
  18. salty (DayZ)


    Are you connecting to a hive?
  19. salty (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    Calling this an exploit is absolutely absurd. Yeah.. 'exploiting' the options menu provided by the game. Give me a break. That's almost like saying you shouldn't tell people zombies can't run indoors. Until brightness and gamma settings are normalized it is absolute suicide to play the game any other way. The more people who know about this the more balanced the game will be. If you prefer to play at a massive disadvantage for the sake of immersion and 'scouts honor,' that's your choice and your funeral. Trying to keep a well known, commonly used options tweak from new players is just absurd and unfair. .
  20. salty (DayZ)

    An ode to an idiot....

    Dear Diary, Today I killed someone who wasn't very good at aiming. People with poor aim are total idiots. The forums didn't really like my mediocre story. This makes me feel sad.
  21. It would certainly make sense to save money on hosting by sharing one forum between the mod and the standalone. They transferred forum data when they overhauled the forums a few months ago. They'll probably just swap domains when the alpha releases.
  22. Nope. It's the most enjoyable aspect of the mod.