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salty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by salty (DayZ)

  1. salty (DayZ)

    Primary weapon disappearing.

  2. After patching I logged in to find my M4 CCO SD, GPS, and NVGs missing and my M9 SD replaced with a Makarov. :( Anyone else share my pain?
  3. salty (DayZ)

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Have fun with that during the day. :P
  4. salty (DayZ)

    Day Z Space Program

    Rocket's space program:
  5. salty (DayZ)

    Double Helicopter oh my

    Y u no take morphine?! Y u no kill aminals?! Seriously though, that's really sexy.
  6. salty (DayZ)

    Zombie Aren't Adequeately Optimized

    inb4 deletion
  7. salty (DayZ) neutered my two-week-old character.

    It's not worth reporting if it's a one-off upgrade to issue. If others are having similar problems, I'll take it to the bug report forum.
  8. salty (DayZ)

    Arma 2 DAYZ teamwork and getting qp'd LOL

    I've never seen so many fail players in one group.
  9. salty (DayZ)

    Make a 'YOU ARE DEAD' screen

    Keep it simple.
  10. salty (DayZ)

    Got some big ol' Bags

    12 gauge slugs transform into hatchets, apparently. :P
  11. salty (DayZ)

    DayZ Progression Rate

    modular mod is modular
  12. I'm fairly certain it's server side and dependent upon when you joined the server. My friends and I joined a server another friend had been on for an hour or two.. we all had 5-10 fps, while he had a perfectly playable ~30. Server admins really need to be on the ball with server restarts.
  13. salty (DayZ) is...LESS GOOD THAN BEFORE !

    Erm.. most of your complaints are coming from >.
  14. salty (DayZ)

    Super excited for!

    inb4 everyone complains about melee being shit It's going to be awkward.. and probably not very useful.
  15. salty (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    <3 Like lightning.
  16. salty (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Damn.. that was quick.
  17. salty (DayZ)

    Ways to improve LOS (balance if you will)

    I think we'd all like to see zombie AI improved, and these are all very natural and logical suggestions. Fortunately, it seems like rocket is already headed in this direction.
  18. salty (DayZ)

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    Not sure if good idea. >.
  19. salty (DayZ)

    How to change my name?

    'Player profile' on the ArmA II main menu.
  20. salty (DayZ)

    wow really

    You shot him with a flashlight? We really need to nerf those lights :) Blinded to death.