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salty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by salty (DayZ)

  1. Every single military grade weapon is better than the Winny. It's only real advantage is ammo availability, and if you know where to look for AK/STANAG rounds that's not really an issue. I could only recommend the Winchester over military grade weaponry to lone wolves who avoid player contact and populated areas at all costs.
  2. salty (DayZ)

    Island Spawn

    Only once out of the hundreds of times I've had to respawn have I ever spawned on the island near Otmel. It's either a bug or intended to be extremely rare, and not very practical as far as spawn points are concerned. It takes several minutes just to swim to shore. :/
  3. salty (DayZ)

    To whoever killed me at SW Airfield

    There is no 'server-hopping exploit,' he simply logged off in that location at an earlier time. It could have even been on that exact server. It happens.. doesn't mean he's scum, exploiting, or even remotely at fault.
  4. salty (DayZ)

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Be cautious about who you reveal yourself to. Make intelligent decisions.
  5. salty (DayZ)

    Morphine's problem (yes, quite fun name for trade)

    There are no hospitals in Krasnostav. There is a chapel in town, but you're chances of finding morphine there are the same as the supermarket. :(
  6. salty (DayZ)

    Tents...how exactly do they work?

    taken from http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1362 Hope this helps. Try using the search function next time. ;)
  7. salty (DayZ)

    Hey, quick question to the community.

    It's a tough call, the Steam summer sale should be just around the corner. However, with the recent success of DayZ, ArmA 2 is now the current top seller so it may not even be on sale. :( If DayZ looks like your kind of game none of the new summer releases are going to compare. I definitely think it would be a good investment.
  8. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4920 /thread
  9. salty (DayZ)

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    You call his vision broken when it's not even close to being fully realized. Suggestions and opinions are an important part of the development process and part of what the forums are here for, just remember that this is a passion project done by Rocket on his free time. You're getting all of this content free of charge and I felt like some of your comments seemed a little entitled, that's all.
  10. salty (DayZ)

    Eat less, but spend more time doing it

    Your character is extremely active and only eating single cans of food, not whole meals. You would have to eat much more often under those circumstances. That being said, I think taking more time to do something in which you have to just sit and wait detracts from gameplay.
  11. salty (DayZ)

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    Ungrateful much? It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately, unlike real life, you have more than one life to live. Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.
  12. Increased zombie respawn times would be my guess.
  13. salty (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    awesome. Thanks for the update, Rocket.
  14. salty (DayZ)

    too dark at night

    Downvoting me for trying to keep the forums clean. Wonderful.
  15. salty (DayZ)

    Flashlights and why you should start with them

    A flashlight takes up the secondary slot in your inventory, and switching between your pistol and a flashlight would be extremely clunky/buggy.
  16. salty (DayZ)

    too dark at night

    There are already multiple threads on this subject. Please use the search function. >.
  17. salty (DayZ)

    Playing DayZ in singleplayer mode.

    Zombie spawns and character data require a sync with the master server, which is currently not possible in single player or LAN at the moment. I believe Rocket has mentioned the possibility of a single player DayZ 'lite' in the future if there's enough interest. EDIT: Aww, Lloyd beat me to the punch. :(
  18. salty (DayZ)

    Few questions

    Some mods are. For example' date=' the first2fight servers allow the ACE_SM and JSRS improved sounds mods. [/quote'] Thanks for the clarification. <3
  19. salty (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    To show another survivor you're friendly. Much like in real life, people generally don't appreciate it when you point the barrel of firearm directly at them.
  20. Direct chat isn't completely functional at the moment, hence the use of side chat. The upcoming ArmA II patch (1.61) should hopefully remedy this.
  21. salty (DayZ)

    How do you Pronounce the name?

    American here.. Day Zed