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salty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by salty (DayZ)

  1. salty (DayZ)

    Cars vehicles and such

    The devs change vehicle locations every time they respawn them, so that list is no longer accurate.
  2. salty (DayZ)

    how do you *lock* tents??

    Servers sometimes eat cars and vehicles when they crash/restart. Fortunately, they usually reappear after the next one or two restarts. Just save your tent every time you log and keep your fingers crossed. :P
  3. salty (DayZ)

    Bear Traps, and All Other Wounding Devices.

    Bear traps are already on their way.
  4. salty (DayZ)

    NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

    Vent/TS should probably be your number one priority, to be honest.
  5. salty (DayZ)


  6. salty (DayZ)

    FIX retrying to authenticate.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9098 I'd link the changelog as well, but it was swallowed by the rollback.
  7. Have you tried upgrading to 1.7?
  8. salty (DayZ)

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    I was referring to the DayZ dev team. From what I hear, ArmA II itself has never had major issues with hacking, being a niche game with a fairly mature playerbase.
  9. salty (DayZ)

    Master Pickpocket - A Challenge

    Theft could definitely end up being a viable strategy on servers without 3rd person or in groups of semi-friendlies. Also, wat
  10. Yep. :) Make no mistake, though, they're still quite rare.
  11. No problem. It's one of the less malicious hacks going around at the moment, but I'd still consider transferring servers for the time being.
  12. salty (DayZ)

    Anyone notice a CPU spike while playing?

    No one runs your exact setup, so temps are pretty irrelevant. ArmA II is extremely CPU intensive, however, so that's completely normal. 55-57° really isn't anything to worry about while gaming with stock cooling, but if you're worried an aftermarket heatsink/fan combo may be a good investment.
  13. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9130
  14. salty (DayZ)

    (Repost) Best loot you ever had?

    Recently lost an M14 and an M107. :( The majority of our ammo is stored in a tent nearby along with a few additional weapons including an M14, some AK variants, some M4 variants, an M16, and an extra M9 SD. I can't show it because it's currently being consumed by the server. :( Not the best stash in existence, but not bad for 2-3 players. :P
  15. salty (DayZ)

    Two primarys or one?

    I run with the exact same setup (M24/M4 CCO SD with M9SD) if I'm playing alone. If I'm with a group, however, I'll leave one of my primaries back at camp depending on which role I'd like to fill so I have room for some extra medical supplies. I only carry one primary on loot runs as well, even if playing solo.
  16. Vehicle spawns have been fixed on all servers.
  17. salty (DayZ)

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    The dev team is aware of most of the current security issues of ArmA II and DayZ itself, it's just going to take some time to get them all worked out. All part of the alpha stage.
  18. A single zombie kill and 35 murders.. that's extremely suspect. Almost as if you've been having some fun in the debug forest. o.O
  19. salty (DayZ)

    Crashed Helicopters Working?

    Nope, still broken. :(
  20. salty (DayZ)

    What the hell just happened?

    Forum announcements are your friend. So is the search function.
  21. salty (DayZ)

    NPC Spawn

    Just the work of a hacker.. a lot of this has been going around recently. I'd link you to a few similar posts if not for the three week rollback. :(
  22. salty (DayZ)


    Good to see another server going up with my favorite difficulty ruleset. If it's well maintained I'll definitely be seeing you in game.
  23. salty (DayZ)

    Bandit Identification

    Because that would only serve to punish said playstyle, something which rocket said he'd never do.