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About JoeySTM

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I actually do agree with you, but I believe there should be greater rewards for helping other players. Maybe a changed skin for players who were really good or some other benefit. I like when skins are all the same so you never know who you can trust or not and I like the pvp. On the other hand there might be a little too much pvp. Occasionally I like to have fun interactions with other players where we can work together, but the only place you can really expect to find situations of comradeship are on private servers.
  2. JoeySTM

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    I agree with you and think the real solution to your problem is just more zombies. Really if you have zombies wandering around the entire world so that you know there is no completely safe location would certainly hop up the intensity. I personally believe running into the woods should be just as scary, if not scarier than running into a city instead of it turning into a magical land of safety. Only time will tell though with the standalone release and Rocket certainly has hinted on improving these points.
  3. Will we be getting any news on game mechanics soon? Mostly I would just like to know if we'll still have to worry about opening a door and apparently breaking our faces, randomly forgetting how to climb a ladder halfway up, those finicky doorways, or breaking legs from falling an inch.
  4. I would be all for adding in more common civilian weapons. Maybe some pump action 12 gauges, a couple revolver variations, some different 9mm pistols, or even a muzzleloading rifle. Coming from a mostly rural area myself, I know a place like Chernarus would have an abundance of every kind of standard hunting weapon. Besides adding new weapons I feel that weapons in general should all have a boost to their power in the sense of realism. I may have heard though that this could be due to weapons accidentally being nerfed.
  5. Just out of curiosity will any short clips be put up before release showcasing some of the features added to the standalone?
  6. JoeySTM

    The "Zombie" Virus and You.

    I really like the idea, but just in case it's too complicated too add into the game what if the already added system for getting sick could be used to show infection with a random chance of being infected added in the more you get hit, being around infected players, whatever. I'd say make this chance for infection very low and also have the chance of finding some kind of cure for it really low too. I'd say a rare chance of infection just so it doesn't get too annoying like breaking your legs all the time did.
  7. JoeySTM

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm cool with whenever this standalone goes down. Now that Rocket has the ability to basically put whatever he wants to into the game I'm much more excited for DayZ. It is always hard to wait for something you're looking forward to, but all this crying really isn't going to do anything except maybe annoy the team. Let's all just chill out and let the magic happen.
  8. JoeySTM

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Did nobody see that the game, similar to minecraft, will be heavily discounted if you buy it in alpha? Minecraft was 5 bucks if you got it at the start and honestly if you have a job that's less than an hour's pay. It's no big deal at all.
  9. JoeySTM

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I was just wondering how much you were going to keep models from the original mod in the standalone. Were you planning on using the same survivor skin which is just taken from the PMC expansion or were you planning on adjusting it a little for a more custom survivor? The same with other skins.
  10. Everything seems to be running good, but I've had a lot of problems with items being eaten. Packs eating items still when not enough room, animals eating their own meat upon being gutted, and also I've had some items showing up that aren't really there. It might just be a glitched item showing up on multiple floors though as in one of the firehouses I kept seeing an alice pack on the same spot on every floor, but when attempting to pick it up, it was never there. I've also seen guns with ammo in houses that aren't really there when you go to loot.
  11. The flare gun should definitely be damaging too or if you could light people/zombies on fire. It would be hilarious to sneak up behind someone and shoot them with a flare. Then again maybe I'm just a sadist...
  12. JoeySTM

    Greater use of shock?

    I'm a little confused. Are you saying you want a suppression effect or are you confusing physical with emotional shock? The kind of shock in the game is physical when your body has taken heavy physical trauma basically your body gets confused and starts shutting down which makes things worse. Heavy physical trauma as in getting shot a bunch of times or horribly mauled by zombies.
  13. JoeySTM

    Scarier Zombies/Other Mods

    I like where you're going with this. I really wouldn't mind if the zombies were slowed down, but required a head shot or very heavy body damage to kill. I always wondered if he slowed them down maybe it would help him find and fix all the glitching around easier. Also it might decrease lag some to add in more zombies.
  14. JoeySTM

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    This is exactly what I would like to see! Great idea! First though zombies really really need to be worked on.
  15. JoeySTM

    Scarier Zombies/Other Mods

    Basically what flashhawk was saying. The game is called Day "Z" for crying out loud. I just feel a lot of work should be focused on the zombies to make it more about worrying how you're going to survive with these zombies everywhere 90% instead of finding the best loot to go kill every other player.