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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    I think need more Zombie variations

    We really need a FAQ around here somewhere... rocket has said in the past, as an answer to these sort of threads, that "They are not dead." meaning the zombies. No, not "undead", not dead and somehow brought back to life... They are alive but different from the survivors, at least until you pop one in the head.
  2. oktyabr

    Swimming adjustment

    Arma 3, and hopefully DayZ ported to it, is the solution to this problem. As for loosing gear while swimming in the current version what you suggest is unrealistic. If you are already swimming in 20 ft of water with your pack on your back you aren't going to be able to take it off, open it and sort through what you want to dispose of. That's why the game does it for you. Don't want to loose your gear randomly? Leave your pack on the shore or some of the excess weight before you go for that dip.
  3. I'm making this the official bandit discussion thread from this point on. All others will either be deleted or merged with this one.
  4. oktyabr

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    In order of priority: 1)MASSIVE changes to zombie AI (see link in my sig for details) including an end to clipping and being able to see/aggro through walls, etc. Same with "knowing" where you are on a roof even if you are three stories above their heads. 2)A working alt-F4 prevention system. (Leave killable/lootable body on server for 30 seconds on disconnect for example) 3)Better zombie spawn system (no zombie RE-spawn within certain distance of players) 4)Twice as many zed (at least 1000 on a server, maybe 2000-3000) with a good portion of them wandering around on the roads and in the woods, possibly spawning off the map on the "dry" edges and migrating towards the coast to replenish towns/farms that have been "cleared". 5) Everything on my "wish list" post (see sig below)
  5. oktyabr

    Is there a way to play this game without paying?

    I'll remind everyone that asking for and/or supplying links or other information concerning illegal software (i.e. piracy) IS against the rules of the forum, which you agreed to upon creating an account here, and IS a ban-able offense. Closing this thread but leaving it up as an example of righteousness and voting for better game design with your MONEY. Delta, consider yourself warned.
  6. oktyabr

    Spawn survivors with only a flashlight

    A knife (with usable melee) and some matches/lighter. Both should be common enough in any household. Take away the canteen and let us drink from ponds/wells/fountains without anything. Everything else is loot.
  7. oktyabr

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    troll spam is delicious. (apparently i'm not allowed to say tears are delicious because some casual on 4chan got sand in his vagina) LOL! That's the funniest thing I've read all day! Fucking casuals. How about zed in the woods rocket? AI problems with the concept or you just don't like it?
  8. oktyabr

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Everyone should read the FIRST post in this thread because it's the only one that matters. rocket said he would update, presumably THAT post, as things change. The rest is just spam and maybe a slice or two of troll flavored spam.
  9. oktyabr

    Please read BEFORE posting

    NO BUMPING! With 10,000 forum members and growing this is a practice that could quickly lead to useless bump fests and new ideas would be swept away without even being read. If a thread is very important to you feel free to include a link to it in your signature. TIPS for keeping constructive discussion on your threads: 1) Make sure (use the SEARCH function) an idea hasn't already been completely ground into dust before. New, innovative ideas will stay on the front page much longer than yet another thread on bandit skins, firewood or Takistan. 2) Use a short, descriptive TITLE. Threads that have titles like "My suggestions" are generally ignored and make it hard for others to search for duplication.
  10. I agree with the OP. I remember boosting other players in old school CS and really appreciate a game that has some sort of free climb available too, especially to access rooftops, etc.
  11. Did I miss the post where he linked his screenshots/youtube videos showing mad skill and elite humanity? lol Pics or it didn't happen.
  12. The zombies in DayZ aren't dead so they aren't even really zombies, in the classical sense. I just want a couple thousand things... 2000-3000 zombies on every server and a good portion of those in the wilderness areas, maybe migrating from off the map (the dry edges) towards the coast.
  13. oktyabr

    ZOMBIE AI - The Definitive Suggestion

    I thought shooting walkers turned them into crawlers (if you didn't kill them). I've seen this happen a few times and *assumed* it was from the damage I've done them... but maybe it's some sort of other behavior?
  14. It USED to be much better as a great combination of power, loudness (quietness) and frequency of weapon and ammo spawn. These have been tamed down a bit though.
  15. Go here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7196 For future reference all announcements about patches is to be found in the "Announcements" sub-forum.
  16. oktyabr

    BIS are giving away copies of Arma X

    Here is the FAQ: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/91wob/faq-and-guidelines Note a couple of important tidbits: I, for example, already own pretty much everything in the ARMA series (I do own everything, just not everything via Steam) and wouldn't mind winning a copy to give to my brother who is a fence sitter when it comes to $60 games. According to those rules I can't give it away if I win and I shouldn't even be entering in the first place. It would be nice if there were an *official* steam system for contests.
  17. oktyabr

    BIS are giving away copies of Arma X

    LOL! I'm not sure how this point system works but I've got 32, not enough to enter the giveaway (60). I was on board Steam when it first got rolling, have over $545 worth of games installed on my computer and another $400 worth of games I've bought for others (mostly my kids). It must require being part of Steamgifts for longer than today? If so only a few thousand people will be eligible. What a silly system.