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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    Melee interaction & Bandit model\skin

    Good point. Of course there is always the crossbow?
  2. Consider this as an alternative (be gentle, I put a lot of time and thought into it): http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=187
  3. Ok, maybe I was a bit harsh. Here is my suggestion: IF you disconnect from the server, view changes to third person bird's eye view so you can see a fair distance around your character. A count down timer appears and runs down what, maybe 15-30 seconds, before you actually disconnect taking your stats and gear with you. A delay like this would help derail the "leave to escape" exploit. IF you are fired upon or any other player comes within looting range within that time frame you instantly get the option to jump back into your body for a chance to defend yourself. If no one attacks you or tries to loot you then waiting to disconnect is the only course of action. This would prevent people from using the overhead view as an exploit, disconnecting and then rejoining before the timer runs out. A similar delay upon joining a server (if it's not already inherent in trying to join in the first place) would likewise discourage disconnect/reconnect used as an exploit. I know it's difficult to force a player to wait to disconnect but perhaps a "hard" disconnect, as we have now, would NOT save the player state to the db server. Want to keep your stuff? Select the optional disconnect method detailed above. BUT, only if something like THIS idea is used as well.
  4. oktyabr

    Zombie Behaviour

    Low humanity = more desireable as zombie kibble! Carefully adjust "stop chasing" range and "detection" range accordingly. All in all I realize this is still an alpha and the zombies will probably get some more work done (stop attacks/passing through walls and doors would be nice for a start). I can imagine slower, tougher zombies and faster, easier to kill ones too. Obviously there are some that lie prone on the ground in wait and others that shamble about. This is the right path ;)
  5. oktyabr

    How to refill jerry cans?

    Manual hand pump. Pump fuel without electricity from gas station in ground tanks and perhaps a little from vehicle tanks too.
  6. Not enough animals in the woods yet. Going with the zombie mythos the walking dead like to hang out where they did in life so you end up with military zombies around bases, civ zombies in town, maybe farmer zombies, etc. But how about that guy that was out for his daily walk in the woods when he got infected? Or the deer hunter in his stand? In a nutshell I think it would be sweet if we had a small percentage of zombies spawning automatically "in the wild", especially to lower the safety margin of hanging out away from towns.
  7. oktyabr

    Wish List

    Flare guns Fishing tackle and fish to catch! More zombies in the woods More animals in the woods, that move away from you
  8. oktyabr

    Enterable buildings

    I'm a poor modeler but I can do terrain... I'd be almost tempted to see what couldn't be whipped up but someone else would have to help with the buildings... and then again Arma3 isn't that far away either, is it?
  9. oktyabr

    A Personal Observation

    +1 What T. Penn said.
  10. oktyabr

    free range zombies and more wildlife

    That's funny because I've literally RAN all the way across the map, through the woods (staying far away from the zombies around towns) and have never seen a zombie out there. Ever. Wild life too seems rare. A rabbit on the side of a road a couple of times but not the kind of wildlife you would expect in such a terrain.
  11. LOL! Let's be realistic here. Sure, in a perfect world a player could instantly disconnect, pop up on a different server, move 100m behind his attackers, pop back on to the original server and get the drop on them. Hmmm... that wouldn't be that bad actually. But back to the topic! That kind of performance is never going to happen, even on the best of days. 60 seconds to switch servers twice is probably even unrealistic. Hell, today it might take you HOURS just to get on the first server! :D The way it used to be was fine... you could see the save count down timer and when it hit zero you were good to save. I liked that. IF you tried to switch to another and back again you would have to watch that count down timer roll over twice, plus exiting and rejoining, downloading player data, etc. If you build enough delay (or just let it happen naturally. LOL) no PVPers are going to be hanging out there waiting for you to come back anyway. And if they are? They are the stupid ones. Teach them a lesson.
  12. oktyabr

    free range zombies and more wildlife

    Of course animals move (and can be scripted to avoid you) in vanilla Arma 2. Why they tend to hold still most of the time in this mod (besides the rabbits) I don't know. Hunting sim? No. Grocery store sim? NO.
  13. oktyabr

    A Personal Observation

    Sure' date=' in theory that could be "ganking" but it's not very likely in this game. Even with equal weapons one guy is rarely going to stand a chance against two or three or more. He might get one and then the others shoot him in turn. Then supply medical aid to the first one to hit the ground. I do like the sarcasm in your last paragraph though ;) [hr'] I think you are delusional. No one plays this mod by accident and that means that probably everyone realizes that there is a PVP component involved even before they install it. In fact that is what probably attracts most of the DayZ players... not turning the game into some sort of group based death match, or "ganking" the lone guy that just spawned... but the realistic uncertainty that should accompany an encounter in such a scenario. Hopefully the mod will continue to improve and balance itself out so the primary focus is once again on.... what was that again? Oh right, surviving zombies. To those who think the only true enjoyment in this mod is team death match, even when the other "team" might only be one person, with lesser gear and weapons, perhaps you should try a real death match mod instead? There IS a fairly strong PVP community for ARMA... or maybe that would be too fair if the teams were the same size and everyone had the same sort of firepower?
  14. No, I'm saying that this mod is called "DayZ", not "DayPVP". It isn't the new guy trying to learn the game, and how to enjoy it. It's not about guys like me that actually LIKE the challenge of going and trying to get my own stuff, rather than letting some one else do the work (you needed those "medical supplies" THAT badly? Really???) It's the fact that guys like YOU are apparently bored with the zombies so have decided to make it your own kind of game. Sure, I like the challenges provided by the this mod's PVP component... but that's what it should be, a *component* of the game, not the game itself. "Buffed" zombies??? No. Zombies in large enough numbers, spread out over enough of the map (more zombies in the woods for starters) and dangerous enough that the focus for the majority of the "survivors" is put back on *surviving a zombie apocalypse*, not a bunch of guys that have been on long enough to have a group formed, improved weapons and nothing better to do. Yes, PVP, psychos with sniper rifles (what else are they good for?) and even road side robberies are an accepted part of the game. But when the game gets easy enough that you find yourself trying to perfect your ambush techniques, and not because you need to do it to survive... there is something out of balance. Anyone that has played this game enough knows that with careful movement you can cross Cherno alone, day or night, without getting killed by a zombie... even though there might be 1200+ on the server. Is it a zoo? Are you mugging people walking through the zoo because you have gotten bored poking the animals with a stick? More zombies, "buffed" if you like, and/or taming the rampant PVP that happens just for the fun of it. Bandit skins and humanity tell me that the devs are aware of this imbalance too. Whether you think it's a good idea or not I think it's better than nothing... if we want this mod to keep growing and improving?
  15. oktyabr

    Some general stuff

    Love the crossbow idea. Since they are already single shot and must be reloaded I would think that several bolts taking up the same amount of space as one does now might be a nice balancing act. I fear though that since the bolts are re-usable that the coding to handle it would be quite difficult. I'm no scripter though so who knows.... Water bottles work at ponds and wells, it's just a bit quirky about when it wants to work. I'd really like to see a custom island made for this mod with strong emphasis on enterable buildings, since they are so important to this mod. New buildings might be quite a bit of work but I know for a fact that there are at least several mappers up to the challenge of the terrain.
  16. oktyabr

    stuck on loading

    Me and one of my friends as well I NEED MY FIX!!!! /me curls up in dark corner with the shakes
  17. I like the notes for sure. It would be cool just to leave a note for a friend somewhere they know to look for it. You could also have a bulletin board of sorts with notes like "Munchy took my stuff! Kill him on sight!" :D But who would really want to spend a bunch of time reading things when you could be dead any second doing it?
  18. oktyabr

    Starter pistol change to beretta

    Well, I was kidding a bit although I'm pretty sure I've seen "evil" children used in games before. Back on topic I'd love to have the option of a lighter caliber pistol (with a much larger clip), the revolver, and maybe a smoking DE too!
  19. oktyabr

    Canceling the chat box.

    I think it's a great idea, if it's possible.