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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    Let's hope Bohemia takes notice and decides to officially back this project, either in it's current state and/or for the upcoming Arma3 release ;)
  2. oktyabr

    The TLDR survivor guide.

    Shots attract zombies and other bullets.
  3. oktyabr

    Enterable Buildings

    I wonder how difficult map-making is. I know for a damned fact it'll be time consuming and will probably never be perfect' date=' but... I wonder how difficult it'd be. [/quote'] It's difficult, not impossible. BIS supplies all the tools but unfortunately not near enough documentation. Learning how to map is quite the endeavour, I know, I tried, but it's manageable once you have the tools under control. Modelling new, enterable buildings is a whole other set of challenges and one that not even many mappers have gotten very far with.
  4. oktyabr


    Lay off the personal attacks NOW. The only difference between Tonic and many other "experienced" players is that Tonic *admitted* to doing it. Like it or not harassment of a player for being honest won't change anything. This thread has outlived it's usefulness. Closed unless another mod wants to re-open it.
  5. oktyabr

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    That is unlikely to ever happen. What you aren't considering is that how much you can see in the dark and how much gamma/brightness really helps is very video card and driver specific. I've seen this mod played on three very different systems and it doesn't look the same on any of them.
  6. LOL! And anyone who has ever tried to do anything with a high fever and "the chills" probably wouldn't argue about the fatigue and even shaking while trying to get off a shot. Make it more important to find shelter when it's raining. Make the campfire useful for more than just cooking meat. Add more drugs to the game. If there is ever a wildcraft foraging system added to the mod then collecting those herbs and bark for a hot cup of medicinal brew might be pretty interesting.
  7. oktyabr

    Enterable Buildings

    The buildings are a function of the map which is "borrowed" from the original Arma2. It is very difficult to make non-enterable buildings enterable. Keep your fingers crossed for custom maps with better buildings.
  8. oktyabr

    Official disconnect thread

    You don't. Having a delay before your person leaves the server is likely the best it's going to get. If you aren't killed in those seconds your character is saved as normal. Crashes happen but how often, really?
  9. oktyabr

    A discussion about factions

    It's called group chat and it already exists in the game. Just need to wait patiently for the group feature to be included.
  10. Nice post! Maybe antibiotics too? Your illness idea could even come with involuntary sneeze sounds and the like as well. Maybe make it contagious when in too close a contact.
  11. oktyabr

    IF this was an actual game...

    I think a lot of us were Arma players before this mod (yes, I know, a lot of people just bought it to play this) and likewise many of us are looking forward to Arma3 as well. As a DLC (around the price of PMC, etc.) for Arma3 you will have people buying the DLC because they planned on buying Arma3 anyway and you will have people buying Arma3 just to go with the DLC... without costing a fortune to do it. The mod makes money, BIS sees better sales of Arma3, it's relatively affordable for the players no matter how they approach it... everyone wins. Following the traditional community server model of the Arma series seems logical. Would be nice to see the framework polished up enough to allow the mod on different maps, etc. too. With a separate database for each server you let the community play the way they want... no more server hopping for loot, clans can have private servers if they want, different maps, PVP and/or PVE only, for those that feel it necessary, etc. = more happy players (and more sales) without getting into the headaches associated with a studio funded MMO.
  12. oktyabr


  13. oktyabr


  14. oktyabr

    Official disconnect thread

    I suspect that most well established players use D/C as one method to preserve their character and gear, only some will admit to it. (I don't D/C because I'm not really that good. Pistols and beans for me most of the time.) The only way of stopping it is to make an optional disconnect method that leaves you on the server for a short while (10 seconds or so). Disconnect any other way and your character is instantly dead and the corpse is left for looting, teabagging or whatever.
  15. oktyabr

    A discussion about factions

  16. oktyabr


  17. oktyabr

    The Disconnect Penalty

    I still think the easiest solution is to provide a "safe save" option that takes time to complete, as mentioned. Any other way of disconnecting and the character is dead, heart attack or something, the corpse is there for looting, problem solved.
  18. oktyabr

    PMC Model Comparison

    I have PMC and the models I see in this mod look nothing like those last "hi-res" ones.
  19. oktyabr

    Question Here~

    Go buy a copy like everyone that was actually smart enough to read the forum rules before posting. LOCKED.
  20. oktyabr

    Why the Anti PvP arguments are pathetic

    This seems to be a popular thread for venting that PVP vs. PVE gibberish. I hereby declare it the official one.
  21. oktyabr

    Report: "Bandits Abound!"

    Eloquently put but please, and this means everyone, try to keep your opinion pieces as posts in similar threads, if they already exist. I'm particularly fond of the "general discussion" section of these forums and do not want them to become just a collection of PVP-vs-PVE jibberish. Please contribute to the following thread if you like: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=947 Closed.