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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    mod: close thread ty

    I suspect 3rd person view was intended to help command squads of AI. Not to hunt other players. It doesn't belong in the mod just like pan and scan to see peoples names way off in the distance doesn't belong, like alt-F4 doesn't belong. All of them are in the game and I wish they weren't but as long as something can be used as an exploit it will be used as one.
  2. oktyabr

    Question Here Again~

    Crazy. I'd still spend the extra $10.
  3. oktyabr

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    I've actually encountered this myself. I'm not sure it was a Legion member but there were several on the server and no one complained or stopped it. I left. This was before the Atlanta servers came online, I think it was Dallas 4?
  4. oktyabr

    Question Here Again~

    A2:CO, aka ARMA 2: Combined Operations is *required* for DayZ. It is exactly the combination of the original ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead so if you already *purchased* ARMA 2 you only need Operation Arrowhead to fulfill the requirement. ARMA 2 FREE is like a "lite" version of ARMA 2, it's a taste of what the game can be when you actually own it but is not enough to run DayZ.
  5. oktyabr

    Convince me

    Is it something about the Arma coding that prohibits an app that can "autoconnect" to one or more preferred servers? If not IS there an app that will do this?
  6. oktyabr

    Where are the vehicle locations?

    rocket has been mixing them up "just to keep things fresh". Just because you don't find them where you did an update or two ago doesn't mean they aren't in game ;) I'm really hoping they take on a much more random placement.
  7. oktyabr

    Convince me

    Enjoy... once you finally get on a server ;)
  8. oktyabr

    Solution to bandit bothers

    I don't personally like the idea but it's a new one, I'll give you that. (And hey, did you even see me pointing a Winchester in your face by a tent in a field in Elektro, Atlanta 3 tonight? :P )
  9. oktyabr

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    naizarak, you have been warned.
  10. oktyabr

    Illnesses and diseases

    LOL!!!! I thought so too but wasn't going to say anything ;)
  11. oktyabr

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    I appreciate what Legion is trying to do here. Please read the terms they have asked for in the first post and then reply *if that means YOU*. No more meaningless bullshit in this thread. Consider this your one and only warning.
  12. oktyabr

    Convince me

    I highly recommend Arma2: Combined Operations, it's absolutely *required* to play DayZ but is also the what most of the rest of the mods are using these days too. That said have you even given the Arma2 Free version a try? It's not as pretty as the full blown version but it can still be fun and will give you a real taste of what it's like to play an Arma game/mod. (No, Arma2 Free does not work with DayZ)
  13. oktyabr

    Convince me

    Just give me working direct chat and a holster feature and I wouldn't have to shoot anyone... that didn't shoot first ;) Surely the OP must understand that this mod, nor any mod based on Arma is anything even remotely like BF3. There are things in this game engine that will drive you crazy. There are other things that are so cool that it will make you wonder why no one else has them yet. Where that balance lies is up to you.
  14. oktyabr

    Can't carry a body?

    Wow! I didn't even realize you could drag one, but that's an excellent suggestion!
  15. oktyabr

    ACRE Support

    I'm not a developer and I won't pretend to be one but I think if it were that easy it would already have been done. I suspect the "ID" that rocket is referring to is applied to the player regardless of whether he has an actual radio or not. For all intents and purposes ACRE treats direct talk as if you were using a radio, from a coding perspective. Of course I could be completely wrong about it too. But yeah, rocket knows how important at least direct voice is to this mod... his post states that he's "very supportive" as soon as it's possible. He's the coder, not me. I think you will see it (or a bug fixed in-game direct comm) as soon as either one is possible.
  16. oktyabr

    Zombie Crowd

  17. oktyabr

    Please change the forum colours...

    If you are more concerned about reading than posting you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link "Lite (Archive) Mode". You can't post in that mode but I think you will find the colors much better for reading.
  18. oktyabr

    ACRE Support

    rocket has already said Want ACRE in DayZ? Chillout and get to coding.
  19. oktyabr

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    Will hopefully be fixed soon.