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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    Blood reworking

    This has been discussed at length but since you actually put it in the *suggestions* section I'll leave it alone. Here is what I said in that other thread over two weeks ago ;) Here is the thread in case you are interested in how this discussion went in the past: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=328 My suggestion was a faster rate then yours though... maybe 10 points per minute if food and water were maxed green... after all there IS a numerical representation behind those subtle color changes... 10 in full green (which is rare) and 0 in both flashing red... per minute.
  2. oktyabr


    Sandbags too! Both are pretty recent additions. I say this because this IS an "alpha". Post good suggestions, be patient, and hold on tight... because this ride is far from over.
  3. oktyabr


  4. oktyabr

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    Couldn't have said it much better. Be so weary and scared from fighting zombies all over the place (I want zombies in the woods too) that when you *finally* see another player it's relief you feel rather than panic.
  5. oktyabr


    I guess the bottles might be more locale "correct"... vodka? Anyway, speaking as an... uhhh... "experienced" drinker ;) I can tell you that beer would be great! It also does less to dehydrate you than soda, which is also full of sodium and much more sugar. Drinking a lot of anything, even water, will deplete your body of electrolytes (as you pee them out) and you will dehydrate faster as their levels fall. Given the choice between an unopened can/bottle of beer, a sugary soda or a canteen full of dirty pond water or worse, ocean water, I'd take the beer every time. Hard liquor will dehydrate you much faster due to the body using extra water to process it and get rid of it. Technically alcohol is a poison, a hang over is really "alcohol poisoning"... That said and more to the topic at hand it IS a sedative, especially important if any sort of morale system is ever incorporated, can act as a temporary pain killer, although the side effects might be worse than the pain, and in it's strong, distilled form (i.e. vodka, whiskey, whatever) makes a good antiseptic for treating wounds, and can be used as improvised fuel and weapons.
  6. Locked. Here are some helpful tips in case you decide to start a new thread in this forum: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1734 Have a nice day.
  7. oktyabr

    Hacker on Chicago 1

    Moved to general. Nice catch!
  8. oktyabr

    Multiple Characters

    I'm sure I read this thread but I read lots of posts each day so forgive me if I'm missing the boat here... I think the future plans are to have each server with it's own data base. There will no longer be any server-to-server persistence. Each character you create will only be "remembered" on that server. Multiple characters at that point, each one good for only one specific server, would be sweet. Multiple characters on the same server, nope. NOTE: This is just from other threads and posts I've read. I have no "inside" information about anything that is planned for this mod.
  9. This is the SUGGESTIONS forum. I changed your post to make it one when I should have probably just deleted it. Trying to revive closed threads by copying them into a new one is... guess what?
  10. oktyabr

    Map is too big?

    I don't even know what server it was on... I spawned in the stock bean carrier getup, just outside of Kamenka, and immediately made a bee line for the tree covered ridge with plans to do a little shopping at Balota, maybe even the big city. I was moving carefully through the area (not all the commonly used routes are covered in asphalt, railroad tracks or beach sand!) when I spotted a survivor maybe 75 yards from me. I went prone in some bushes and waited to see what he was going to do. I heard shots from a silenced weapon somewhere behind me and the survivor I had originally spotted took cover, maybe to bandage? So now I'm in the middle of an apparent survivor-bandit shootout, neither know I am there and I'm not 100% sure I know where they are either! A couple of minutes pass and suddenly I see the bandit running straight towards me from where I originally saw the survivor, but not firing! He didn't know I was there yet, but soon would. I knew he would fire as soon as he tripped over me so I took the initiative and dropped him. He got off a shot that made me see hourglass for a bit. I got up, started bandaging, when all of a sudden the survivor, I'm sure the one I saw first, took me out! He apologized in chat, thinking I was the bandit getting up. The size of this map is *perfect*. Big enough to make moments of severe tension special, in an otherwise quiet and sometimes lonely world.
  11. oktyabr

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    I used his videos as "recruiting" tools to get friends interested but I was playing DayZ before I heard of them. I think Armaholic was the first place I heard of the game.
  12. oktyabr

    Suggested tweaks to balance game play

    I won't have yet another thread turn into a PVP sissy fight. I wish you would have chosen your topic line more carefully.
  13. oktyabr

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    I changed the name of this thread to reflect it's actual *suggestion*, which is dogs. Think very carefully before you post a reply... does your reply have anything to do with the subject, dogs in Dayz? If it doesn't DON'T REPLY. I'm not going to babysit another thread that gets turned into yet another PVP/PVE sissy fight. There is ONE thread for that in the general discussion section. Use it. Those that don't will get their replies deleted. If I find myself deleting multiple replies from the same person(s) they are going to get warned and if it continues, banned. STAY ON TOPIC
  14. oktyabr

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    I want dogs, period, with no bias to either bandits or survivors... More as an early warning device than anything else.
  15. oktyabr

    Trading post creation

    For all intents and purposes what is the difference between a game enforced "no-PVP" zone and one guarded by l337 AI that can pop bandits heads like expert marksmen? Both are enforcing no-PVP, or rather would be, if the AI just fired on *anyone* that fired a shot there. I made the OP more as a thought experiment to explore various concepts (without actually seeing them in the mod) and to help weed out good ideas from bad. One thing that's become clear from the replies is that in it's current state this mod is very unlikely to ever be capable of supporting even a small trading camp entirely controlled (and patrolled) by players.
  16. oktyabr

    Suggestion: PVE server (closed)

    Your *suggestion* is to have a PvE server, which has been suggested before and is not likely to happen any time soon, if ever. Take a break and remember, this is an ALPHA. It will change a lot, some times fast. Closed.
  17. Ok, they are NOT dead. Just to keep in the spirit of this thread though I would still be interested in the following changes: A variety of zombies: The blind "screamer" defined on an earlier page is +1! Your typical runner, as we have now, being desperate for food. Easily killed (as current) but with a modified endurance so they can't just run forever (players shouldn't be able to either, for that matter). The walker: this one is either recently infected or recently fed. He's not as fast or as determined as the runner but can take more damage. Maybe also much quieter ;) "Zombies" outside of towns, maybe spawning on the dry edges of the map and moving coastward, looking for more food. A ton of good reasons for this but I suspect if we haven't already seen at least a test of such things then maybe it's not possible? Tweak the zombie loot. Military zombies (and police) should have a chance of having weapons found on them even if they don't use them. Zed around hospitals should have a chance of meds, zed elsewhere a more random selection of typical items. Lower the chance of loot spawns in buildings to offset (most loot spawned would be picked up early on anyway). Increase awareness: I'd love to see zombies more reactive to gunshots and targets moving in/with lights (flares, chemsticks, flashlights, etc.) A zombie with a clean line of sight in daylight should become "active" at a greater distance than the same situation at night. Maybe even to direct chat if they are close enough.
  18. So this is where all the cool kids hang out, huh? *SIGNED*
  19. oktyabr

    A way to ditch zombies

    Smoke grenades, empty tin cans and whiskey bottles. All of them will distract zombies.
  20. oktyabr

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Many more zombies and at least some of them just wandering the wilderness. That would take the focus off of the towns and make holding up in the woods a much different matter.
  21. oktyabr

    Map is too big?

    I've played this mod smoothly with over 50 players and 1200+ zombies. It's all about the server (helps if you have better than wet string for your internet connection too).
  22. oktyabr

    Map is too big?

    It's not Arma 2's fault that most servers stick around 50 slots. It's the cost of a server and bandwidth capable of having more than 50. This mod is *expensive* to host! 100 players or more isn't impossible, it's just damn costly.
  23. oktyabr

    Survival - TWD Style

    It will be a long time before you see private servers in this mod, if ever. Other than that, might be a fun experiment. I recommend you take a look at the Survivor HQ to see what sort of groups people have already formed: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=12