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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    2 Forum Sections

    The devs are quite busy, I assure you. Would you like them to spend their waking hours improving this mod or reading and replying to posts? That said rocket DOES spend time reading... and replying... to threads here. The "suggestions" forum is exactly that. A place for players to post suggestions and devs to read them. Patience, young padawan.
  2. oktyabr

    Something for the woods

    Here is something for the woods... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PppxRKpKkQs And in case that wasn't enough... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFb-0PetRH8
  3. oktyabr

    Why dont we just take a city?

    Off topic but your English is better than my German! And I'm going to see Rammstein tomorrow night too! ;) On topic, it's a great idea, but the dynamics are very hard to balance... groups can become too large to function adequately in this mod. A lot would depend on what town too. I've seen guys try to make Elektro their own and it always ends in a fail. Cherno would be near impossible on a 50 player server IMHO.
  4. Just last night I grouped with a bandit that I know and two others, a survivor and a bandit, that we'd never met before. We took a break on the edge of Cherno (in the dark) to eat, swap gear, get to know each other (DC was working!!!) do blood transfusions, etc. We got ambushed by at least three bandits leaving one of our party bandaged but bled out that had crawled under a bush a ways off. By group comms in Mumble he kept us up to date with status. I respawned fairly close to the city and started running as fast as I could, Mak in hand, hoping to get back to where we were dropped before they could loot everything... This of course ended up being me leading a parade of a dozen zombies before long, all running down the coast line. As I got into Cherno I picked up at least a dozen more. I was nearing the area where we had been shot and saw that our attackers had just lit a flare. I took a couple of wild shots with my Mak, more to draw attention than to mean any damage, and then ran right through the middle of them! A couple tried to shoot at me but missed as I disappeared back in to the darkness... Lots of angry zeds cried out, no longer chasing me. A bit more gunfire but they weren't ready to take on a whole horde on open ground and soon it was quiet. It took awhile for things to calm down but we eventually got regrouped... with our gear once again safely in inventory ;)
  5. oktyabr

    New Users, Few Questions

    There are many good guides that answer these questions pinned to the top of this forum as well as here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=10
  6. oktyabr

    Do you get scared?

    Hardcore server, no 3rd, no crosshairs, no nameplates. Pitch black, the moon hasn't risen yet, and me in spankin new beans and mak. Close to Cherno, decide to take the chance for some quick looting. End up in the firehouse, make it all the way to the top, come under fire from outside, something bigger than a Mak and quieter than a CZ. Hoof it back down the stairs into the main chamber. I closed all the doors when I came in, they are all still closed, only light is from the windows high above them. Think about trying to make a break out one of the doors on the opposite side from the gunfire and just as I'm about to do it I hear multiple footsteps running, one stopping at each side of the building! I'm SURROUNDED! I step backwards into the stair well and go prone under them. It doesn't get much darker than that spot... carefully watching the room for doors to open and silhouettes. Suddenly I see one moving across the inside of the room... I missed a door being opened from my tight little corner. Then two more! They dip in and out of the slightly brighter areas like ghosts. I have my left mouse button finger poised above it and know that when one of them lights a flare, chemstick, or whatever, I am dead... but I'll try to take at least one with me! One by one they go up the steel stairs, stepping only a foot or two directly above my head. The last one starts up but then turns around and comes back down. Suddenly I see his silhouette directly in front of me! He crouches and even leans a bit to one side, as if studying the inky blackness I'm hiding in, contemplating popping off a cap or two just because. I held my breath for this entire encounter, seemed like forever. He pauses for another few seconds and then goes up the stairs after his mates. I exhale loudly and immediately panic that I was heard over direct! This is one time I was very glad that DC was still wonky. I logged off and went for a smoke and a shot of whiskey, to help calm my nerves and steady my hands. If I had been on a regular server my name popping up on his/their screens would have been the end of me. If any one of them had had NVGs or had decided to light a flare or stick I would have been doomed. The luck of the DayZ demons is fickle but tonight it had been on my side! What a game.
  7. oktyabr

    What gun is better

    The winchester! ;)
  8. oktyabr

    Night time

    Anyone who thinks that daytime is safer than nighttime hasn't been playing this very long. In my opinion the balance is perfect.
  9. Be sure to check out the "hardcore" servers then.
  10. oktyabr

    Kickstarter donations?

    What do I need to do to get all the new people posting here to read this? http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1734 Please, PLEASE learn to use the "search" function before you post. There have been several threads on this already. The general answer has been that rocket, the head dev on the DayZ project, simply doesn't want the complications of dealing with other peoples money... at least not yet. Read that post I just linked. Read it well. I'll like you a whole lot better if you do. Closed.
  11. oktyabr

    Get ready for incoming........

    Wow. I guess if rocket wanted to stress test things he's going to get the opportunity!
  12. Yeah, DayZ might have some similarities to TWD, at least in some people's vision of the mod, but as it stands once you are dead you are dead and not getting back up ever. Same rule for "zombies" as for humans. I liked Andrea... kinda hot. But lost interest in the show about half way through the last season.
  13. oktyabr

    More russian/warsaw pact weapons!

    Yeah, I'd love to see old russian gear too... if this mod stays in Russia ;)
  14. oktyabr

    WTF...DC saves are allowed..

    THIS: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1449&highlight=alt%2Bf4 Closed for duplication.
  15. Everyone does that' date=' especially in a sand box game. [hr'] Daedrick got to explain his, others got to tell him what a dick they think he is for thinking that way. Good enough. You kids go play out in the street or something. Closed.
  16. No. You must have the full version of Operation Arrowhead and Arma2 (some say the Arma2 FREE version will work in this combination). Closed.