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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    Elecktro Exploding

    Your story is strangely similar to mine. A couple of us were on a US server a few nights back and ended up in Elektro as well. Not as many explosions as you seem to be reporting, a couple then maybe two or three more 5 or 10 min later, a little closer, then another and so on. We were crossing a major street near the store downtown when both of us were suddenly killed by an explosion... like perfect health to -20000 blood instantly. M203? It's plausible. HE grens? Mmmkay... What made me question it was how many there were and seamingly spent fairly wantonly, as if who ever was doing it didn't care if he wasted them or not. Elektro was otherwise a very quiet place that afternoon... I think we spotted two more survivors over a 30 min period there.
  2. Something fixed it and since I haven't installed any betas then it must be server side, right? So maybe it's the *server* you are playing on. I've tested and verified on five out of five NA servers now. Clear as a bell, no problems.
  3. Spot on rocket. We'll shed some of the kids that no matter how hard you yell ALPHA (it's in the mod logo for fucks sake!) they still seem to expect their perfect dream game... and the hard core who want to help you refine this will still be around. This new patch is scary as fuck. And I like it.
  4. oktyabr

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Wow! I knew something was different when I spawned on the beach and immediately had a guy run up to me asking if I wanted to team up and try to make it to the Balota air field. MUCH harder, neither one of us even got a drop of loot before we were both out of ammo and torn completely apart by the milspec zed. Speaking of which I'd still like to see a better chance of loot on the zombies, especially those military ones. They are some bad ass muthers! On one hand I see where the concern about more PVP comes from but on the other side of that coin there is PLENTY of loot on zombie mauled corpses. I've never seen so many survivor corpses that hadn't just stumbled into a PVP death trap. I think I'd like the zombie respawn rate reduced a bit but the spawn radius increased. I noticed them wandering around much further out from the buildings and such but maybe even a little more... basically I'd like the threat of running into at least one zombie to be possible pretty much anywhere on the map (no safety in the woods) with the main concentration being around the buildings and such as they always have been. It's definitely going to knock down the house of cards that has been the SOP. Time for some new strategies folks!
  5. oktyabr

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Happy B-Day rocket! :) Will let you know how badly fucked tomorrow morning.
  6. oktyabr

    1.5.7 update

  7. Very nice. We *needed* this in General so I moved it leaving a redirection link back in Troubleshooting so people can find it from either place. I hope you don't mind?
  8. Very nice. We *needed* this in General so I moved it leaving a redirection link back in Troubleshooting so people can find it from either place. I hope you don't mind?
  9. oktyabr

    Suggestion: Donations

    Don't quote me but the plan is, as far as I know, is to eventually migrate the mod to servers with their *own* data bases. This means no more cross server persistence, it also means no more server hopping to farm loot, no more log exploits, and maybe most importantly, no overloaded central db server.
  10. On a tangent another game project I'm associated with just posted a "community game night" to keep it's forum visitors happy. They intend to make a private server(s) and let forum members go at it for fun and prizes. They asked for suggested games to play. It made me think... IF someone wanted to play DayZ in a sort of competitive manner what would have to be included or changed to make it feasible? Certainly you would have "longest living survivor", for *that night, on that server*. You would have to have some way of showing the scores in various categories. Maybe most zombies killed, most murders, most bandits killed, bonus points for time spent in a moving vehicle, etc. Maybe even a special, like a scavenger hunt... First person to gather a list of 10 items wins that prize, medal, mention, etc. So then I thought what if you just got a subtle line of text on your screen that said "You are now the longest living player on this server" (without logging off and back on again) or "You are now the leader in zombie kills...", etc. Maybe broadcast it on global too. Again, this is a thought experiment about how DayZ might be one day adapted to single night, single server competitive play. This is NOT to suggest this mode would be the best for all players or even that it should be added to the mod. Obviously there would be no cross-server persistence (which might soon happen anyway). I know it's bending the original topic a bit but the thought of the OP made me think of it again.
  11. You haven't ran into any zombies lately I guess ;) They are smarter than before and I had two of them climb the ladder to the roof of an apartment building after me last night... even scurry up the drain pipe thing at the city hall.
  12. oktyabr

    More low tech.

  13. In the "old days" (lol) 500 zombies was nothing. 1200+ would make you rethink things a bit ;)
  14. oktyabr

    1600x900px DayZ desktop

    Move the "I want to live" words lower down on the image, maybe offset a bit to the right, try a font that looks more like "desperate" handwriting.
  15. oktyabr

    Welcome to DayZ

    Welcome to Dayz. Free for all TDM on a 15 mile map and you have to find your GUTS.
  16. oktyabr


    Great idea, please feel free to add it to this existing thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1008&pid=9257#pid9257 Closed for duplication.
  17. You guys been playing enough to notice the changes with the zombies lately? ;)
  18. Who is this actually being suggested to? And why did I leave it in the suggestion forum in the first place? Moved.
  19. You put a lot of time and work into this post and for that I won't delete it. Please READ the following before posting in this section again: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1734 This is a link to the largest thread most relevant to your ideas: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1526&pid=14139#pid14139 Here are several more you might find of interest: http://dayzmod.com/forum/search.php?action=results&sid=34c02a2aca9b363efd61c4ce5da85323&sortby=lastpost&order=desc Please feel free to repost your ideas there or in any of the many other *existing* threads with similar subjects. The "search" function is your friend. Closed.
  20. Yup! Worked fine for me and my group for several hours last night on the three random servers we tried it on.
  21. Here are the guidelines for posting in the suggestion forum, since you obviously couldn't take the time to read them on your own: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1734 There are SEVERAL threads discussing the bandit skin, whether it should stay or not, blah, blah, blah. One of them, 23 pages long and started by rocket himself... and replied to by YOU: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=720&pid=10995#pid10995 I'm leaving this thread alone for the time being because it may actually serve a purpose. If you want to pick a fight with me, fine, but it won't be here.