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Everything posted by oktyabr

  1. oktyabr

    1.5.7 update

    Turn down the zed respawn rate, tweak their other behaviors to balance: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2397
  2. oktyabr

    Upgrade Main Server

    As I said on the first page...
  3. oktyabr

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    Closing this thread because I think everything that can be said on the subject already has. If anyone disagrees feel free to PM with a GOOD reason it needs to be re-opened.
  4. oktyabr

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    Exactly! ;) I've voiced this opinion on other threads today but maybe this is where we need rocket to find a way to create a "pure" server system, just for the latest alpha *test* updates and with a separate persistence data base. Also make it clear to those server hosts (and players) that complaining about or seeking support for an outdated version is prohibited. You are either an *alpha tester* or you are not, IMHO.
  5. oktyabr

    Switch to shorter day/night cycles

    I'd be fine with it as long as *every* server that relied on the one official data base for persistence was synced the same way.
  6. I absolutely LOVE the bleeding/screen fade warning. I'm guilty of not paying attention to blood loss from time to time too. Realistically if you were spurting out a pint of blood a minute you would be VERY aware of it (unless you were in shock maybe). +1 for improving blood loss awareness. Wish you would have made your title more specific though.
  7. oktyabr

    Upgrade Main Server

    Now we have the added problem of some servers updating way behind the rest of them. Wanna guess how many players are gearing up on the 1.5.6 servers so they have an edge when they join a 1.5.7? The more I think about it the more I like the idea of having an official database server, like now, but only serving official "pure" servers that are forced to update when one comes out. This let's rocket have a dedicated test bed for trying new things and progressing forward with the mod. Those who don't want to play on the bleeding edge could stay on the other servers instead of coming here and writing 100 different threads about how the zombies are too tough or whatever... Let the rest of the servers do what they want (3rd person, hardcore, private, PVE, different maps, mods, whatever) as long as they have their own data bases separate from the official one.
  8. I wish all buildings, enterable or not, had at least a chance of loot. Experienced players will avoid entire villages because they know the loot there is probably not worth the time or trouble.
  9. oktyabr

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    Uhmmm... yeah. I wish they would update. Rather, as long as we are all still sharing a master data base server and persistence it would be nice if servers could be *forced* to update. You know how many players are gearing up in the easier 1.5.6 servers so they have an edge on the much harder 1.5.7 ones? Maybe cutting them off from the central DB until they upgrade would work. Disgusting.
  10. oktyabr

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    As mentioned how maxing out gamma and brightness will work for you is dependent on your display, your video card and it's drivers. It is NOT the same for everyone, even maxed all the way up. I have a Dell 23" and a GTX465 with the latest signed drivers. Last night I couldn't see anything but stars and solid black everywhere else... until the moon came up anyway. The guy I was grouping with could actually see my face, spot zombies (in what was solid pitch black from my computer) in the distance, etc. He was running a 460M in a laptop with the same exact drivers... and maxed all the way up for better night vision. My son runs some newer ATI card on a generic 19" LCD. He can see in the dark *without* touching the video controls at all. ~shrug~ Even if there was a way to lock the gamma and brightness settings in video configuration it would do nothing to make the playing field *equal*. It's one of the reasons most other games don't even bother with dynamic daylight and darkness.
  11. oktyabr

    Fix Ladder Climbing

    It's a well known glitchy thing in this game. If the devs can do something about it I'm sure they will. Here is a large thread on the topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=717&highlight=ladders Closed for duplication.
  12. Autorun would be pretty much useless in this mod... you'd be crashing into trees, buildings, zombies and other players sooner or later. In my opinion it's also against the spirit of the mod. No "auto" anything. Do what I do, find a relatively safe place, make sure you aren't being followed, go prone, then make a dash to the fridge or bathroom or whatever. Need to be gone longer? Log off.
  13. oktyabr

    Suggestion: modify zombies more

    Have you played 1.5.7 yet? I think it answers most of your suggestions, even the PVM.
  14. oktyabr

    Upgrade Main Server

  15. oktyabr

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    I love the new zombies but yeah, it's brought the difficulty level to a whole new level. Really, really wanting more silent kills, probably melee, etc.
  16. oktyabr

    Upgrade Main Server

    That's not to say that a server host with multiple servers couldn't use one of their servers to act as the central database for the ones they host. Then you could still have limited persistence, especially if you play in a region where three or four servers are all hosted by the same folks. Separate DB servers, yeah, a new character on each DB, but is that so bad? Suppose you quit playing with your group, all of you log off at the same place with plans to fire back up where you left off the next day. You still want to play some. Join a different server (with it's own DB) and you can lone wolf it for an hour or two without affecting your main character on the other server. Clans could have private servers (without contaminating other servers with farmed loot), PVE only groups could try playing the game their way, another group might want to play on a different map, etc. And just maybe rocket would decide to keep a limited master DB, like now, and have it support just a small cluster of "pure" servers to let him experiment, try new things on, etc.
  17. oktyabr

    Upgrade Main Server

    The database server is already ran on the dev's most powerful box. Something like a 8 core, 32GB ram setup with a dedicated pipe. It's been hinted at that the game servers will one day have their own, dedicated database's. No more central "HIVE". No more cross-server persistence, no more server hopping to farm loot, much more flexible, and hopefully no more waiting 30 minutes to get on. Patience.
  18. oktyabr

    flare gun

    Title says it all. Flare with a parachute on it that would light up a LOT around it and take a good deal of time falling to the ground. Could possibly be used as a weapon at close range.
  19. oktyabr


    solution: avoid zombies and scavenge for silenced weapons. I look forward to seeing your tutorial video on how exactly to do that. Have you actually even tried 1.5.7 yet?
  20. oktyabr

    Make the Noob Gear Unlootable

    Are you high? I mean really. Forget about coding the fastest growing game in the genre... Let's just talk about the Arma engine for a bit. How many other mods can you name off the top of your head that also support 1000+ AI (maybe 3000 now that 1.5.7 is here), persistence across concurrent servers, working food and water consumption, a very elaborate blood loss/medic/FX system, fortification, hunting and cooking, etc? Think it's "simple" to change models for this game? Prove it! BUT ON THE TOPIC... now that we have a surplus of really smart zombies I'm finding it critical to scavenge extra ammo and meds off of those that have fallen before me. I don't have to shoot other players! Just hope that there is a dead survivor somewhere close by when my ammo starts running out.
  21. oktyabr


    I personally hope I can start shitting extra bullets because there are a TON of zombies in 1.5.7 and I just don't have enough.
  22. oktyabr

    1.5.7 update

    It's ZAMBIES! Can't you read? /me watches quietly as the "Average Life Expectancy" begins to nose dive