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Ledron Stormsparrow

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Everything posted by Ledron Stormsparrow

  1. Ledron Stormsparrow

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My beans go out to Mr. Scrubbles and the group! They saved my ass after having to deal with trouble of hackers and a raging fight in Elektro. Definitely a great medic, and a good group. I'd be glad to help out any time I can, and I'll try to contact again when it's not 3am with work in about 6 hours. ^^
  2. Ledron Stormsparrow

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I see two Mr Scrubbles when I try through steam. One with a Plushy looking Dino picture, and the other a guy in a blue suit?
  3. Ledron Stormsparrow

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could use some help. Currently offline because a situation came up in the real world, but I'm logged out near the northern fire station in Electro. I can get on a vent/teamspeak/mumble as required, and I'm pretty sure I have some food I can spare; I have ~2200 hp and will likely be unconscious though upon log in. :( Normally I would just say... "Meh." and respawn, but I was playing around in the dark with just a flashlight and a hatchet I had found, throwing flares this way and that gathering some minor tools (Yay matches!) when all of a sudden I heard silenced shots. I ended up fleeing inside of a building and the guy followed me in, I managed to get the first strike with the axe as he came through, but I was already at that point down to 6k blood. I grabbed his silenced pistol and food, ran away; sad that I couldn't grab his ghilie suit. Ben, I salute you for trying to murder a noobie in Electro who was using a flare and a axe. I found a m107 in a abandoned broken car and a camo clothes in one of those weird buildings with the square pathway. I would appreciate any help and would help out in return any way requested. (I always end up playing the medic/healer in any other game, so I'd be willing to help out in the future.)