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Posts posted by eliahu456c

  1. i will be btter if we can shoot from the car or eat inside the car i mean i not fair if someone shoot u when u in the care and u cant do shit about it it take to long to get out and take you gun if u have one  out no fair not realistic it need to change

  2. Ladder and code lock code lock for cars code lock for tent roof more crafting even dial lock for cars tents boxes different boxes bike motorcycle please improve dayz he have so much potential at least do it for the community we want official not mods make people stay in the official server and not go to mods maybe cannabis seeds maybe one trader in cherno and money rubles or dollars for trading or just for fun to save money for hubby or collections maybe  Use cans to fill things like drinks and food That the cans won't disappear is simulating reality, you can use a coke can to fill water Ballistic helmets that have a chance of absorbing a bullet to the head and building everywhere like buildings do garden in roofs building inside houses floors and set a tent on a inside houses will be great when u hold something it not need to be showing in your inventory because it on your hand it outside it taking place for nothing option to build window to cover open windows option for small door carry buddy like u friend got shoot and u want to take him to safe place dragging dead buddies to loot them in safe place and not get shot to the head

  3. Before I played I could build anywhere now I can't build I tried to build a tent and it doesn't work like before i cannot put a shelter in normal ground like before for me it's not realistic you can build anywhere it doesn't require that it need to be be comfortable maybe not in the air but everywhere dayz has so much potential it's sad that you get stuck on Nonsenses cant found mountain backpack.  , there is so much to improve to make a roof to wash your face, and a lot more crafting preparations, it doesn't make sense that in a game like Green Hell, which weighs 6 gig, there are many more crafting s and I will improve to build a roof. there is bugs in official that you get cut when walking and and when u get real cut u cannot bandage and u bleeding to death Until you bleed to death I hope I speak for a lot of people there is a large community that supports the game and invests money and time in the game the game has so much potential to be realized realistically it doesn't make sense that it's not fun in official and people prefer to go to mods whether it's because of mods or because of bugs I hope that dayz  Hope that day z will see better days and invest enough to want to enter official

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