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Everything posted by erocker

  1. erocker

    Who here loves killing.

    Don't ever, EVER be embarrassed to get proffessional help.
  2. erocker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Anything happening with the invisible player glitch? Nobody cares what you hate. Nobody owes you anything.
  3. erocker


    Bandit morphing has been removed: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3693 There are still bandits though, they just look like everyone else. Killed one yesterday and it showed a bandit kill in the debug monitor.
  4. erocker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    When it comes to fog, leave the sound as is. Perhaps lower the visibility of zeds by a little or not at all. Fog already works for limiting the visibility of the player.:D
  5. I'd just like to see bandit morphing come back. Though, have it so that say 3 murders of "civilians" will cause the morph. I liked the fact that bandits were identifiable previously. It was exciting to spot one, hope they didn't spot you and go from there. As far as the statistics, which is what this thread is about I guess, I could care less. ~DrRocker
  6. Morphine is where it should be... In the hospital. You're not very likely to find it anywhere else in reality. I was at the two grocery stores in Berezino and there was a ton of canned food. It's all making sense now.
  7. Depends on what server you're on and if it has been updated correctly... I think. Just played a couple hours on a server and I was able to get around infected much much easier than in Not as easy as pre 1.7 but I think it's a very good balance.