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Everything posted by erocker

  1. erocker

    AMD Driver problems

    First, check your temperatures. Use a program like GPU-Z http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2157/TechPowerUp_GPU-Z_v0.6.4.html -This game can work a GPU pretty hard and laptops can overheat. If temps are okay (say under 85c) Uninstall your current video drivers. Go to the control panel and uninstall catalyst control center/drivers. Reboot your laptop, then install the latest drivers from here: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx
  2. erocker

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Almost four days on new server (Dallas 2145) and no vehicles yet. Btw, where do we check what the instance ID is?
  3. It's been three days since I started my server and no vehicles. :( The server is set to restart twice a day.
  4. Wrong. Not anymore. Download a program like GPU-Z and run it in the background while playing DayZ. I've gotten up to 1600mb of vram usage at very high. On default I cap out around 980mb
  5. As have I and I run a server that is up to date. I still get the "artifacts".
  6. Every new server I've been a part of, the vehicles will spawn in at about 24 hours after the server has been created. The server will most likely have to be restarted after the 24 hour mark.
  7. erocker

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Man, you deserve more than beans... Have a Mountain Dew! Granted I don't agree with everything you wrote, but the vast amount of ideas is great. Well done. :)
  8. Every time I try to log in to the server control panel (in game) I get kicked by BattleEye Restriction #57. This started happening after the last BattleEye update.
  9. Ah, I see! Thank you for the help. Have some beans!
  10. Do you know where I can find information on console commands? I'm currently able to use the web console that comes with my TCAdmin account through Elpis Host. Thanks :)
  11. Unfortunately no. It also doesn't matter what background applications I have running. If the server is empty I can log in fine. But once others join the server and I go to the control panel I get kicked by restriction # 125. :/ So as of right now if a problem arises, I have no way to kick hackers or troublemakers. I can't seem to do such things from my TCAdmin account.
  12. No, not mad at all. Just seeking any information on this issue. Please, if you can't post anything helpful, don't post anything at all. It would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  13. erocker

    DayZ spawn Script?

    But it's not related to DayZ.
  14. Because it's always the admins fault. :rolleyes:
  15. erocker


    I'll keep an eye out for him and kick him when necessary. Video/pictures help if possible.
  16. Why the hell do we need to eat other people with plenty of animals and canned goods around? Kinda gross.
  17. erocker

    Bus inside Firestation, Cherno, UK 172

    I don't need the bus, but you have impeccable bus parking skills. You have my beans.
  18. erocker

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    This happened on my server two days ago. Someone spawned in a chopper with an AI sniper standing next to it. I was in the actual legit chopper when I saw this. There were about 8 dead player bodies that the AI killed around him. A server restart wiped the hack.
  19. erocker

    Green mountain?

    Captain Kirk cursed the mountain.. Or so some legends say...
  20. erocker

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Read OP's username. Didn't bother reading content of thread due to legitimacy reasons.
  21. erocker

    Why are people playing this?

    Okay. Goodbye. :)
  22. In the ten minutes that you posted this thread and posted a follow up post you could of easily made it back to the map.