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Everything posted by infinity2209

  1. infinity2209

    Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

    Well losing your gear is bound to happen. It doesn't matter if it's a hacker, a sniper, a bug or some random guy with an axe. You die extremely quickly, one bullet and it's all gone. Sure losing it to something that isn't legit is more annoying, but the point is you'd of lost it eventually anyway. The hackers'll be fixed eventually I guess or at least the situation will be improved. Battleye just doesn't seem to help much, maybe with some updates to it or a new anti cheat they'd be less hackers. For now I guess we'll just have to live with it, there taking a risk with a fairly expensive CD key.
  2. Now, to start with I ask everyone to keep any of the following out of this thread: Remove PVP.- Never going to happen, the game would be boring without it. Go back to CoD. - Do I need to explain why? Stop Crying/Care bear/kids/whiner comments. - Only encourages flaming, nothing more. Now, what are the main reasons people shoot on sight? 1. Fun, without PVP the game would be very dull. Once you get a decent weapon, dying to zombies is nearly impossible. What's the answer to this? Increase the difficulty. 2. There's no reason not to. There has to be consequences to shooting, this leads into the fact that not shooting is a massive risk to your life, without any real rewards for it. Add a reason NOT to shoot in the form of shooting someone has negative effects instead of a positive effect for letting them live. Now my idea is that every murder would have a consequence. These ranging from minor annoyances to major problems and possibly causes of death. Some relate to luck and the fact that you could become unluckier the more you murder. Others would be status effects or general problems for the killer. Status Effects. a: Covered In Blood. After killing X survivors your clothes would naturally be stained in blood, you never change them after all. This would only apply if your within a certain range when you commit the murder. This could draw double or even triple the normal amount of zombies, while doubling there normal aggressive range. Think sprinting while under this, you'd pull them from towns away. Can be removed by entering a lake or changing gear, if you change gear the original clothes will still be stained. b: Reflections. It's not natural that a human could kill without regret. So how about adding a status effect that'd last for thirty minutes (1hour for the second kill, one hour thirty for the third) after killing a survivor you'd have visions that don't exist (hallucinations) dead bodies? You name it, it'd appear on the screen. This would cause players to move toward it, or even shoot at it then realize it isn't even there, make it difficult to determine between reality and imagination. This would be the main reason not to kill in a realistic setting, I'd imagine most people couldn't live with themselves afterwards. d: Reason to live (Faith) Now this is the end of the world pretty much, but there still has to be reasons worth living for. If your going to live alone permanently just trying to survive, why live? Perhaps add a faith indicator that would increase by spending time with other survivors, being alone would slowly decrease it. Now of course there needs to be a way to fill this up without spending time with others so perhaps allow players to pray at churches to increase faith instead of spending time with other players, this allows it to be possible to play without other players only more difficult, similar to blood regeneration. When faith is at an all time low, the color would drain from the world, similar to losing blood. This reflects giving up all hope. This effect is an inconvenience rather than life threatening, but it does make the game more difficult. May add more later, for now I'll post and see what people think. Trolls are welcome to bump my thread as they wish. :rolleyes: Change Log: V1.1: Removed Curses due to negative feedback.
  3. infinity2209

    An idea on solving PVP

    Maldoror123 - The problem is that everyone takes that attitude eventually and it's simply a death match. Kling - Could work. Deviant - It pretty much is, in most respects. Grrinc - Good ideas. B501 - Sigh.. WoRtEx - Obviously it would be range limited. Tocmasterk - Nice of you to bump my thread and provide a copy of it on later pages for readers. Appreciated.
  4. infinity2209

    An idea on solving PVP

    djdecks2 - True, but when alot of people moan it's usually because there is a problem. Redrick - Thanks. disastr - I don't think people realize how difficult it would actually be to pull the trigger. Non PVP servers would split the community entirely, in order for there to be good there has to be evil. Valec - I don't believe you should be rewarded for doing what is expected of you. You aren't rewarded in real life for not committing mass murder, your punished if you do. There incentive not to kill is not receiving any penalty, while the reward for killing is the loot and not needing to rely on others. M@rshall - Thanks. Deviant - The cursed idea comes from the theory of "What goes around-comes around" in that if you commit murder you'll likely pay for it later. I like PVP but having everyone murder everyone on sight is leaving the game as PvP only because the zombies are just to weak, there no threat at all as soon as your armed. Arkental - Naturally it'd only happen if you killed within a set range as I said. I believe the idea of getting covered in blood by looting someone would be nice as well. Benjamin - Don't believe I know that series. Terence - Yes, I mentioned it'd be removed by changing gear. xcess - I believe there has to be a punishment for murder, as well as a reason not to kill. Right now there's a reward for killing(loot/less chance of being killed yourself) and no reward for playing friendly other than blood bags. Hawk24 - No, but I'm fairly sure if you bash someones head in with an Axe there is going to be blood, everywhere? No? People who play friendly HAVEN'T killed loads of humans before, that's kind of the point of playing friendly. Mass murder is a reason to live, in what sense exactly? I didn't say I don't want to punish bandits, I do. There has to be a reason not to kill because right now there are many reasons to kill and none not to, other than blood bags. Tranqulusion - I can't take anyone serious that uses two exclamation marks instead of one, sorry. Anyway I don't want PvP removed, I want there to be a reason not to do it, since currently there's only reasons to kill.