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Everything posted by Ssgt_Perez

  1. Ssgt_Perez

    Who is your favourite DayZ youtuber?

    Sidestrafe, he is the one that got me into DayZ in the first place.
  2. Ssgt_Perez

    SA: server hopping

    Assuming that each server would save your location when you logged off, it would still be more than possible for each person to server hop. It would take longer but they would just need to reach their destination on each server then they could hop freely. Depending on the loot respawn/distance they have to go this could take a while but I assure you it would happen.
  3. Ssgt_Perez

    Where is your DayZ "home"?

    North of Berezino, near Willow Lake/Black Lake
  4. I was being chased into a grocery store by zombies and turned around to shoot them when they slowed down. I did not realize I actually had my nade selected for some reason. I tossed it right at them then quickly retreated into the stockroom, blew up about 5 of em.
  5. Shooting people has gotten boring. I'd rather kill them with kindness.
  6. On the contrary I found Lingor Island to be much more difficult. You'll find almost no cover from the forest, the zombies seem to be much more numerous, the map is smaller so more pvp encounters, and its also difficult to get yourself oriented due to there being many, many coastlines,
  7. After playing Lingor Island it is nice and a breath of fresh air but I think a map actually designed for DayZ would be the best bet.
  8. Ssgt_Perez

    What exactly is Lingor Island ?

    There are a few servers floating around. Although most of them are in the EU side of the world. Its basically the same DayZ code applied to a new map that has a more tropical feel. More enterable buildings and whatnot too.
  9. Berezino is my favorite town to gear up. I grab enough food and drink then run straight there. 6 apartments 2 grocery stores 3 deer stands 4 military tents 1 hospital 1 restaurant 1 office building Easily have a full kit after clearing it.
  10. Ssgt_Perez

    Make 1911 take 7 bullets to kill

    All I am asking for is consistency. Seems silly to me that it takes almost a full magazine from an m1911 but I am still one-shotting infected with my AKM
  11. I don't see how people can get so butthurt over losing a box of midol, a snot-rag, and a nightlight. You get all these things back when you respawn.
  12. Ssgt_Perez

    DayZ T-Shirts

    Why don't these exist yet? Even just a simple design with:
  13. Did it sound anything like this? (Check around 3:00)
  14. Reposting my story from another thread.
  15. Ssgt_Perez

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    People are playing the way they want to in a sandbox game? THIS IS BULLSHIT! SOMEONE STOP THEM!
  16. I've been playing for about a month and a half now but only just recently acquired a vehicle. I had a choice between a Truck, a blue van or an ATV. Most of my friends have quit playing or barely play at all so I decided on an ATV. After using it to run a few errands and then hiding it in a well placed spot I have a few questions. 1. Sometimes when I start up my ATV or stop then start moving, my vehicle struggles to even get moving. It just slowly crawls for about 5-15 seconds then actually gets moving. Everything on the ATV is green including fuel. All the tires are also there but it still has problems. 2. When I was hiding my vehicle between some pine trees I was hearing this horrible crunching sound, it would stop soon after but starts up again for a few seconds whenever I get back in my vehicle. Is this just the ATV clipping with the tree or is it going to actually damage it if it happens enough? 3. After parking my vehicle and running around a bit to see how visible it was I noticed that whenever I put my actually looked at it a distance indicator would show up saying ATV (25m) or whatever. I am pretty sure the server I play on doesn't have name tags but not 100% sure, but would this even show up on a name tag server?
  17. Ssgt_Perez

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    When I logged into the game for the very first time it was night. It was pitch black, the creepy music was playing. I could see the outline of a building so I crawled over to it and then I heard all the noises the zombies make for the first time. I nope'd and logged out to play again in the morning.
  18. Ssgt_Perez

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    I was driving the other day and passed a small airport. I immediately became worried about any possible snipers in the nearby woods.
  19. I was seriously considering taking a truck instead of the ATV but I usually play alone so the storage of the ATV isn't a problem, its also much smaller and easier to hide. Trying to place that big white truck where no one would see it just seemed frustrating to me. I've also seen plenty of lets play videos of vehicles that ended in fiery death so I usually take it a bit slower when approaching rough terrain or road obstacles.
  20. Ssgt_Perez

    About my longest life

    This is generally frowned upon in the forums. It is referred to as server hopping.
  21. I think I may be having a similar problem but its with just an ATV. I don't want to sound overconfident but I really believe it was a good hiding spot. I checked on it yesterday morning, then came back a few hours and it was gone. Holding off on repairing a new one because I don't want to suddenly have two ATVs when I only need one.
  22. Ssgt_Perez

    This new patch ROCKZ!

    Can you really make demands regarding something you received for free? He could shut down the project tomorrow and all you could do is type angrily.
  23. Ssgt_Perez

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    My least favorite is the double barreled shotgun. Piece of garbage. I'd take a hatchet over it anyday.
  24. Ssgt_Perez

    Hatchet is overpowered but necessary

    Hatchet is probably my most used item in game. Whenever I start a fresh survivor I hit up industrial/farm locations till I have a hatchet then I just cleave my way through the nearest major city till I have food/drink/medicine then move up north.
  25. Ssgt_Perez

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Rocket has referred to them as infected. Think 28 Days Later.