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Everything posted by ranger01

  1. ranger01

    Battle for Elektro

    With enough explosives yes. Or if you fly a chopper into one. I've seen zeds take down a house, was kinda funny.
  2. ranger01

    Battle for Elektro

    I can do it, I've done voice over work before. I've got a good quality mic, and can do several voices, accents, and inflections.
  3. ranger01

    bounty hunters

    My group will hunt and kill anyone you want if the price is right. We will also get gear for the right price. (We are not bandits, we are mercenaries) I dislike the idea of being stuck with a specific skin, I already dislike standing out when I get stuck with a light blue shirt... If you have a job you can PM me on here and we'll discuss specifics....
  4. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Soundtracks are my main ambient music for the mod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maws6bCJXXs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmm7AoZ5m2A Sometimes I'll listen to The Vernian Process "Behold the Machine" (instrumental version).
  5. I agree with MB, I've had to DC/RC twice due to zed related bugs: Both times entailed me getting knocked out with one punch at full health from a zed warping to me as I sprinted away, the zed munched on me, I got back up backed away and fired a few shots (more than enough to kill it) into the still crouched and munching zed, before I somehow fell down again and got stuck under the it with no timer. I could still access my gear and scroll wheel, but couldn't move or shoot. I've also "server hopped" due to lack of any spawns on 9/10 servers I've visited... 10 zeds on a server with 20 people (who are talking about pvp going on in cities at the time) is no fun.
  6. I've noticed that 9 times out of 10 RUS players will just shoot on sight... Coupled with the fact that the same amount of them do not use voice or type in english (I can speak some Russian, but am unable to read/ write it) and I tend to avoid anyone with a cyrillic name. Side note/ off topic: Gounddog, your sig is hilarious to me because I know the original artist, the person it's modeled after, and the project it was drawn for. haha
  7. ranger01

    Killed by a chopper

    Same thing happened to a buddy of mine, he got in said "Hey look at me!" and then I saw him slump over and heard flies. The chopper is in a field to the North of Dolina.