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Everything posted by TastyRemnent

  1. TastyRemnent

    Bring back the side channel

    +1 beans were given
  2. Muhwahahah Im half english let me in your clan so I can report back to our english overlords. Seriously retarded group is seriously retarded.
  3. TastyRemnent

    The ability to fasten chemlights to players backpacks.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14671-glowstick-use/#entry149293 The Search Bar. Not just for decoration.
  4. Imagine yourself in some snowy woods, daylight quickly fading, body temperature already critically low. The only sounds you hear are the crunching and creaking sounds of your footsteps. Realising death is near you sprint too the nearest shack and start a small fire going just to keep yourself warm. You look outside as the snow begins to fall... Basically the premise hear is the ability of certain servers to become snow enviroments. Heatpacks would become of great importance as would shelter and fires. It could also feature new skins which could have the advantage of either decreasing the rate at which you lost heat or as camouflage (you would have to sacrifice one for the other). If your body temperature drops below a certain point you begin to lose blood until eventual death. Having other players in proximity could also decrease the rate at which you cool down and speed up the rate you warm up (like huddling together for warmth). The more players, the larger the benefits. Also other cool features that other, more creative people can think of. Not sure if this idea would work but hey its just a suggestion.
  5. TastyRemnent

    No business like snow business.

    Thanks for your useful feedback. I was particularly interested in your description of how games work. Not just this game, but all games. I now know why I have never snow in a game before. Thanks again.
  6. TastyRemnent

    justify your actions

    Your tears are dericious. Also tempted to call troll on you but hey everyone else is having fun mocking your spastic comments, so why cant I?
  7. +1 to this could be handy for drawing zeds out of a town are as well. I like it.
  8. Sounds fun. Steam: Tasty Remnent
  9. TastyRemnent

    {Foxfall}, an upper echelon organization.

    Well done, knew you'd get there.
  10. TastyRemnent

    {Foxfall}, an upper echelon organization.

    Oops, looks like you made the mistake of taking someone on the internet seriously. Hmm do you know what will happen when your comrades in arms, oh I dont know, get BORED. They'll betray you, steal all your stuff and mutilate your corpse. I actually considered offering to join your clan just long enough to gain your trust and respect (and maybe a couple of hand grenades). Only to see the look of betrayal in your virtual eyes as I betray you, steal all your stuff and mutilate your corpse (hey I still might for all you know). Not because we're terrible people but because it would be fun to do so, and it is a game after all. Ohh and your right by the way I was so threatened/offended when I read your thread. Golly I could almost smell the masculine dominance washing over me *sniffs at own pits*. As too importance of my reply your right, its not important do people who disregard it but then again if you thought I posted that just for you well then maybe I was right all along.
  11. TastyRemnent

    {Foxfall}, an upper echelon organization.

    Hmm I found this idea appealing up until you stated that you were the unquestionable leader of this group. While your other requests and parameters where reasonable/understandable you truly think you are the be all and end all of skill when it comes to tactics and strategy because you read some books on military science (which btw is redundant in a video game setting which you would know if you knew anything about battlefield psychology). Honestly sounds like you have a serious hard on for yourself. But hey if people want to have you telling them what to do all the time then more power to them (or well...you). BTW if you could PM on the server that you finally settle on I would appreciate it. We could test your "marine core" against my guerilla tactics. Worked for the marines in Vietnam...
  12. TastyRemnent

    Animal threats

    +1 for zombie bears
  13. TastyRemnent

    Glowstick use

    This is more a aesthetic thing I know but eventually could we stop holding the glow sticks in our hands and instead have them hanging of our backpacks or something?