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Everything posted by unknownBastard

  1. Ok so those that still dont know here is a TIP: Fix all windows as well scroll all the way to bottom. After they are all green you NEED to fix last window 1 more time even if it says its green. Now if entire chopper is Fully fixed no more leaking of fuel. Tested on about 3 choppers. HF
  2. unknownBastard

    sorry i killed you on uk8117

    My english is not native and i still can write good enough for ppl to understand me, you should try it. I didnt understand 1 damn sentance.
  3. Ok so here's my story. I was hunting ppl on DE 1283 when i tought il checl Skalisty for chopper, when i got there i noticed movement of few ppl, i check who is on a server and noticed its mostly GG clan, i keept my eye on them for few H waiting for them to get comfortable, and they did they broght a bus, a 60 pussy wagon, and boat, and they were all on boat going to the shore. After they landed they went in a car at that point i landed bunch of AS50 rounds at them, killing 3, and blowing up their car, bus... I got hit by KICKED by admin muhaha, as well as my friend. Since they proceded to kicking me all the time i was patient enough to let some time pass, then i changed my name and rejoin their server, to punish them even more. Well i got on and these time i recorded the whole experience, i got 2 kills and got Banned from their server. I dont care about the ban as i even dont care playing with such nublets. Soory for my english in videos, the first is where i killed them and their asset the second i killed 2 and got ban. Enjoy. Soory these first one is loud and im like a damn Parrot with "as well"
  4. unknownBastard

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Can you tell me my Humanity level, how many ppl i killed so far in total? Ingame name" ENT ShinseiYama " but i think i just played under another name " Wookie" Or do you need my GUID from game?
  5. unknownBastard

    "Wanted" GG-clan from DE 1283

    ha ha , yeah i know its like animals to the slaughter they suck at gaming.
  6. unknownBastard

    "Wanted" GG-clan from DE 1283

    Ofc. they are limited but what stops admin from using hack's? Lets not presume that all admins are now like a delicate flowers knowing nothing about scripts,hacks.. Google is your friend
  7. unknownBastard

    "Wanted" GG-clan from DE 1283

    Yeah you will get fucked either by hackers, admins or bugs , but still loving it
  8. unknownBastard

    2 servers looking for bandit squad!

    your problem is server is regular, map spoting,3dp,ch .. and all that crap is on as well make one server veteran/expert, with everything off, and youl get bandits on heck the harder the server setting the best it is. Also make sure servers are updated to very last beta and dayz and hive for servers... i see in your signature you are still running 95393
  9. unknownBastard

    DE112 EU20 - Lets play together

    i usualy hang there but we have chopper on another server so... but yea server is great good FPS as long it gets restarted every 4h, i had loads of pvp on it already, mostly killing ppl around stary lol.
  10. unknownBastard

    HIVE and optimization?! Rocket

    Ok so i think everyone by now knows how hive works and that is good that there is 1 main HIVE which is controled by DEVs. Sugestion for rocket. Would it be posible to create double layered HIVE in sence that host servers would run not only a game but also a local hive on same server collecting all the data like curent hive is doing, and then the local hive sends all important data to main database hive, eliminating a lot of desync ,lag, and other problems? Basicaly allowing local hive to act as main hive but local server would run small local hive, which then in delay streams data back to main hive, without the many problems we are facing now? I think these would help a lot of servers run better, with bigger slots,zombies and so on. The only obstical i see iz preventing admin abuse and alteration of local hive files, and the delay of stream from local hive to main hive. Well just spitballing here but i think you get idea what im thinking of. OFC. characters would still have all the gear if moving from 1 server to another. Also the plus would be that local hive could track players cordinates for that particular server. If player goes to another server that he has never been before, he starts with all his gear, but at one of coastal spawn points, or random ones on map, and that server then tracks his cordinates for that server. Now if he goes back to previos one he just continues from where he stoped. These would eliminate server hoppers while in fight, we all know loads of ppl DCs then goes to another server, moves on your back and bam gets on ya server and kills ya from diffrent position. It eliminates loot hopping as well. atlest it makes it a hell of alot harder.
  11. Yeah some choppers are bugged, we actualy crashed ours and decided just to satche charge it , so no one can fix it and gtfo with chopper, turns out chopper didnt blew and is now bugged at lumber mill loool, all orange and even if you fix it it leaks like MOFO. Actualy fonzie your chopper that was all orange , your talking about the one on kalisty island on CZ02 yea i know, i think some ppl tried to destroy it and is now just bugged to hell. And hi from ENT ShinseiYama
  12. there ya go already said how to fix... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54571-1724-chopper-heli-how-to-stop-fuel-from-leaking/ When everything is green, fix the very last bottom green window 1 more time, or just fix couple more, that stops the leak, my clan tested on couple choppers always worked.
  13. you were lucky then very nice :)
  14. For everyone that has the beta 94945 and and experiencing problems like: Waiting for host Full server even when its not full Battleeye problems How to fix it: Go to these websiteand update the 2 battleeye files made specificaly for 94945. Or DL bottom files and put them where it says. v1.61.94945+ (Put these files into a folder called "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your OA install directory) Cheeres problem solved. BE Client for Windows (32-bit) - MD5: 53af76c06b48159eba67b0d6ed47b3b9 BE Server for Windows (32-bit) - MD5: 40ed9dba5958b239323199e470b000c3 100% steam working if you follow: (should work for non steam installs as well just the path to files are diffrent so change it acordingly) Do not use 6 program! Install the game Download latest beta patch for arma and install it. Update battleeye described on top post. Download Dayz latest version, best way is full torrent. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead and make a folder named "@DayZ" now put folder named "addons" inside @DayZ folder and in folder addons now put all files from dayz torrent. All is left is making shortcut with startup parameters to run everything. Easyers way is installing http://www.dayzcommander.com/ and seting extra parameters there , and voila run the game thrue commander. Or Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta and copy arma2oa.exe Go to: desktop and right click and past shortcuit. Rightclick shortcut->properties and in target line paste: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -mod=@DayZ -nosplash Run as administrator and thats it, must work damn it!
  15. unknownBastard

    Beta 94945 Working Follow instruction!

    100% steam working if you follow: (should work for non steam installs as well just the path to files are diffrent so change it acordingly) Do not use 6 program! Install the game Download latest beta patch for arma and install it. Update battleeye described on top post. Download Dayz latest version, best way is full torrent. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead and make a folder named "@DayZ" now put folder named "addons" inside @DayZ folder and in folder addons now put all files from dayz torrent. All is left is making shortcut with startup parameters to run everything. Easyers way is installing http://www.dayzcommander.com/ and seting extra parameters there , and voila run the game thrue commander. Or Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta and copy arma2oa.exe Go to: desktop and right click and past shortcuit. Rightclick shortcut->properties and in target line paste: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -mod=@DayZ -nosplash Run as administrator and thats it, must work damn it!
  16. unknownBastard

    Beta 94945 Working Follow instruction!

    Yeah i hate it when crap like these starts and its up to user to fix it XD. Just a note, these is clean install of arma and arma oa on steam, i manualy updated the files , i dont use 6updater or 6launcher as it messes your filles even more, i do use http://www.dayzcommander.com/just to run the game with exstra startup strings. Less crap you have installed better it is. I know i know 6 program is great but still, a lot cleaner my way If crashing a lot run the game as Administrator, run everything on your computer always as administrator help's a lot in most games and programs. Alert: 6 program can reinstall his own versions of updates he deems are necesary, basicaly ive seen, ppl manualy do all updates and then running 6program, and 6 reverted updates and filles his own way, basicaly screwing up all your work.
  17. unknownBastard

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update and beta patch 94945 im stuck on WAITing FOR HOST on all 94945 servers, what gives dang it. Also Rocket did you get bug from me regarding huge Duping exploit in dayz? great mod keep the good work
  18. unknownBastard

    Mass database is great in theory but...

    1 master server but diffrent database for each server, basicaly server gets its own data dump on master server recognizable by ID. These opens posibility for server specific gear,character gear, ..., also if person DC's at XYZ on one server goes to another to get on your back, then back on original server where he DCed he would still respawn where he DCed. You could have lets say full bandid on these server,full survivor on another, and again mixed on another, as all character info would be stored to that specific server database ID. And again master server stays with DayZ and not in hands of private server admins.